Chapter 14

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Hiiii soo....yeahh hi guys I know I've been ...well....on a hiatus sooo at last I've got time after what.? .....four months......omgosh- i- here we gooo~~
Marinette's pov
"Hey?" Peter pouts when he sees my confused expression
"Uhh..hi!" I finally break from my daze
"When did you arrive? I thought you were coming next week.....?" I ask him
"Yeahhhh but I have my ways" he winks
"I mean like come onnn you didn't think my Spidey sense won't tell me you bought your little boyfriend! Anddd bein the big brother I am ... I'm gonna teach him a lesson to treat you properly" he says and then looks....proud
I started blushing and started doing what I usually do when I'm nervous ..I started rambling
"What....? Nooo..I uhhh....soo ...first of all he's not my boyfriend..and he's definitely taller than you but...whatever....anddd you don't meed to teach him a lesson I mean he's just so sweet and nice and cute and charming and beautiful I mean handsom and I just like him more than a friend but I'm sure that he doesn't like me back as more than a friend plus dad and mum are going to make me get married to some rich bitch soon because you know....I'm the princess of china.. but anyways what's up with your little girlfriend" i wiggle my eyebrows in a playful manner with a smirk
"Whaaa noo I...
Okay so yeah she's not my 'little girlfriend' but whatever I'm bringing her as my date on your coronation "
"And she said yes????" I asked excitedly
"Well......I've still haven't asked her yet ut I'm planning to..."
And then the whole night is spent with him telling about his plan

To be continued........

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