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i was in class with joy talking
"ive never seen sweetie that angry even victor doesnt go that purple" joy says
"i hope your happy pranking sweet like that" i say to eddie
"yeah right cause i was the only one in his face all week" he says
"and guess what everyone your looking at the bot who made mara go public" i say
"hey i wasnt the one that told her to write some wack article on vera in the first place she did that all by her self" eddie rants the sees mara walk in "exeptainolly written though" he adds
"yeah thats right do what you do best worm your way out" i say
"im not worming anywhere ok im probably history just like mara" he says
"well i hope sweetie does kick you out get even" i say
"thats pretty harsh jo" fabian says
"yeah theres no point blaming him i was the one who wrote it and i clearly got it very wrong" mara says
"but there is something of about vera" jerome says
"no jerome its over" she says
"its not over till its over" he says'
"look mara i called my mum she a massive donator a lawyer she on her way if we can stall for like 5-10 more minutes it will be ok " i say then mrs andrews walks in
"oh sorry im late and eddie mr sweet want you in his office" she says
fuck, fuck, fuck, i never meant it
"you got your wish" he said walking past
"happy now" joy asks
"No joy I'm not" I snap
"mrs andrews we cant just sit here and do nothing" jerome says
"oh dont let me stop you class is cancelled" she says
"yes mrs andrews you were always my favrioute" i say running out
"come on" we all storm down to sweeties office and eddies saying its his fault
"the first useful thing all term" jerome says
"were not leaving until you let mara stay" nina says
"i second that mara's done more for this school than all of us put together" fabian says
"out all of you" he yell
"raise your voice at my daughter and her friends one more time eric i dare you" i hear my mum say
"mrs reed what are you doing here" sweetie ask
"if you do not let mara stay i will remove my money and my daughter from your school then sue you for your after school activity's on school grounds" she says