George and kaylas suprise visit!

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Your POV

I was watching a episode of AOT when I heard a knock on my door.
'Ian' that was the first thing that came to mind.

I paused my episode pissed off because it was getting good.I walk to my door when they knock again..


When I open the door I see...

Kayla? My best friend since kindergarten?

You- KAYLA!!!!!????

Kayla- hey! I met the Ian guy you where talking about. He's cute are you two da-

I cut her off by hugging her

You-No we are not dating...

???-What a relief!!

You- G-George!? What are you two doing here??you guys should still be in England with all of the rest of our friends!

An-btw if you have forgotten or I forgot to put it in your English! So that means you have the accent and lived in England.

George is my boyfriend. I guess we never broke up officially cause me moving was a over night thing and they found out when I texted them when I landed...Kayla my best friend who I kept in touch with because she was like a sister. She was spamming me with questions when she saw my text which said "I love you rember that! I just can't stay here where my dad can get to me! So I moved to America (place where the SMOSH house is cause I forget lol) I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before I left 💔."

Time skip~~

Kayla- So how have your subscribers been reacting to the fact your closer to them? And that you do daily collab videos with atleast one Smosh boy?

You-They have been reacting great but the Smosh fangurlz have gone rabid and are calling me a slut and prostiute even tho I'm still a virgin!

George-... I guess that's my fault...

You- I'm proud really!

Kayla- haha George calm your face! It's alright you two haven't had sex!!!

You- Kayla you don't even feel a little bit awkward saying that?

Kayla- come on! Of corse now I'm 25 I am muter!!

You- yea-

I was cut off my some one ringing my door bell and knocking at the same time. Since I have been living here long enough I knew Ian and Anthony where here.

You- that'd be SMOSH! One min!

Ian's POV

Me and Anthony where knocking/ringing at y/n's door like always. when she opens the door she was really happy. her smile was huge! I looked at Anthony because I could feel heat coming off of him.

His face was redder than a tomato...

I looked back at y/n she was so pretty today. Her hair was in a nice ponytail with her bangs out ( if you have bangs ) and her makeup was done so perfectly. I could tell I was heating up to.

You- Hey guys! You came just in time! My best friend Andy boyfriend are here!

Ant- your boyfriend? And best friend? From England?

I could here... jealousy? In his voice? What's going on with him?

When we got inside I saw a guy I knew from y/n's boyfriend tag videos... I could see he has anger and jealousy in his eyes. Was he threatened by us? I hope not that guy is scary. He took kickboxing for 12 years... he knows ways to make you feel pain...

Time skip

-summery of what happend in the skip- Anthony and Ian where both secretly flirting with you... No one else knew but the guys... And the SMOSH boys couldn't tell they where both but George could... Now he is pissed...

George's POV

Those assholes think the can have MY GIRLFRIEND BECUS THEIR FAMOUS!?!?

You- I'm gonna go get food Kayla come with meeee!!

That's it now that the girls are leaving I can teach them a lesson...

Ian's POV

The girls left it was me Anthony and George... It was awkward...

George- why don't we go outside for a lil bit? I'm over heating!!

SMOSH boys in unison- sure!!

When we walked outside George picked us up by the coller of our shirts he was taller than both of us...

George- stop hitting on my girlfriend you ass hats!!!!

He spat literally I mean say it not spray it man!!!

SMOSH boys in unison( their like the OHSHC twins! I can't spell their names)-OKAY!!

George- that's your final warning! Next time their will be blood!

An- hope you enjoyed! I hope that chapter made up for my lack of chapters!! And it seems Anthony is hiding something!! You will have to wait to find out tho!! Moohaha! Well keep an eye out for updateies!!! The next chapter is goin to be more about Kayla and George and you when you guys where in England!! And it will start off with a character analysis for Kayla and George

The chapter was in memorie of my dead puppy:( RIP George!!!

It started with a SPLAT(Ian Hecox x Reader SMOSH)Where stories live. Discover now