Do i like you?

775 17 11

An-I havn't updated in a while.. Well sorry...

Narrator-It has been a day and the treo are still at X's house! What could possibly happen? Will Ian confess his fanboy obsession over X? Does Anthony really like X? Or is it a gay cover? Will an Ex girlfriend and or boyfriend attack?
Keep reading to find out!!!

Your POV
You-heeey Tato! Rember me buddy?

You said as you picked your turtle out of its cage. For the longest time Tato was your closest friend, even closer than... George and Kayla. You always had trust issues an even with those two. They drove you fucking crazy! But for some reason you feel like You Ian and Antony have been best friends since your past life!

When you where petting tato Ian walked in... you guys where a bit awkward cause if the hole drunk makeout session..

Ian-O-oh hey! That's a c-cute turtle! W-what's his hame? I mean name!

You-Ian your so cute when you stutter!


You-His name is Tato!


You-I have a dog but she's hiding. She's a puppy pug. My mom said that she got her last week via text message

Ian-she's an awfully good hider

You-or your blind! I have seen her three times now! She's a black pug like Edgar. Her name is Levi.. My mom thought named her that to remind her of me cause I loved this anime character named Levi Ackerman

Ian-from attack on Titan! Right?


You both i unison -I didn't think you liked anime!!

Ian-I love you even more now!!

You-wait... What?

Ian-*blush*in a friend way!

You-*blush* I said what cause I couldn't hear you...

Ian-*blushes more* Oh erm. Do you maybe wanna go on that date you promised me a bit ago?

You-*Bluuussssshhhh*ummmmm sure!

By now you two where lobsters. You put Tato back, washes you hands. Went over to him and tapped his nose

You-Get ready at the hotel cause we are still checked in there. Then pick me up at 7:00 exactly no later or earlier!

You said while pushing him out. Anthony is at the hotel right now he left at like 3:00am

-time skip to 6:00-

I think now I should get ready, Not like it will take very long!

I get into the shower and that takes 10 mins

I dry my hair that takes 2 mins

I get dressed into this cute black dress which is just above me knees and is zebra printed on the breast area, I wear transparent black leotards and I little black half non zipable sweater on.2 mins
(Cause black goes with every one!)

I do my hair, I curl is cause I never do that. 10 mins (like wtf? Well
You have to brush it, dry it cause it's still wet than go thru with the curling)

You look at the time,6:24. Got lists of time!

You do your makeup,
Eyeliner mascara(black) and a light smokey eye, with a sparkly liquid eyeliner on top of the original! Red lipstick and very little foundation etc,
That took about 15 mins cause you kept messing up since you usually only do mascara and a bit of eyeliner,


You found a little purse I black one of corse since you liked to match, you put you phone, and some Chapstick (you have had a bit of dry lips lately so..) you also put your wallet in there cays era nice to have.

You put a black leather jacket on and looked it the mirror.

You-shit! I am violated by all this shit! Fuuuuck! Ian this better be worth it.

Time skip to 6:59

I was sitting on my couch staring at my phone and as soon as it turns 7:00 my door bell rings

I open it and there is Ian in a cute plad shirt. And some jeans his hair is all nice and done. And he to has a leather jacket.

I think I am starting to have a crush on this bowl haired idiot!
Ian's POV

I have been standing at her for for five minutes. as soon as it hits seven I ring the door bell when she opens it she was... FUCKING SEXY!!!! Oh my fucking God! She is really hot! I can feel the heat rising from my face. I was a lobster.

I really hope she will be MY girl friend...

An-HAHA! I bet you thought more would happen! But our narrator likes to say things that will happen in the next like five chapters! Stupid narrator! Ps his name is billy! Soo tomorrow I will update the other stories... but for now imma just do this! And that's how it's always gonna be! Do my Ian X Reader one day! And the other two the next! Oh and we are almost at 1000 veiws and 38 votes! Oh my god thank you!! Come here so I can give you a cyber hug!

/)>•</) (\>•<(\~huggies!


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