I'll be your hero, If you be my princess -part one- I'm always there for you

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I was DONE with George! He always
Over reacts then does something that makes someone get hurt! Physically or emotionally!!!! I don't want that kind of negativity in my life!!

I quickly pulled out some bags from the closet. Packed one duffle bag with game stuff well one and a half.. The other half with clothing and a smaller "on the plain bag" with some valuables. I was gonna move out... Than I remembered .. the party trip!!! So I quickly put my "OTPB" in one of my duffle bags and go another "OTPB" and put things like- Laptop, phone case that charges phone, all three of my DS's and some games.

I unlocked the door grabed my bags and hurried out

I got to the front door when George grabed my arm.

You-I am fucking done with your negativity!! Your making people not wanna hang out with me! I haven't Hung out with Ian and Anthony in a week because you scare them away every day!!

Geo-Please I don't think I can live with out you!

You-It won't make a difference to me

I say as I open the door and walk out.

I put my hand on my bow bandaged head and think

'I was a little to harsh with that last comment. What if he kills himself? Should I apologize? No he wouldn't kill him self over me!'

I say as I walk down the street. I found my self in the parks and the smosh boys first met in.


Right that I drop all my bags and fall to my knees.

I just sobbed right there but I didn't know someone was behind me.

Ian-y/n!?! Are you.. Uh what's wrong!?

You-I-I'm sorry Ian but I don't think I can make it to the party

Ian looked at me confused

Ian-but you look like your already packed... why can't you?

You-I need to focus on finding a place to live

Ian's POV

You-I need to focus on finding a place to live

'Wait what'

Ian-but what about yours and Geo-Oh..


I went closer and sat with her as she cryed on my shoulder...

And all I could think was..
'You started youtube a bit after us... I was your first fan and I thought of you as a hero... Telling people girls aren't all well "girly" an when me and Mel broke up.. I watched you. And now I am here for you... I will ALWAYS be here for you'

Ian- I can't let you miss this your fan will be upset! So you can just stay with me and Anthony for a while! Even forever if you have to!

You- well u can't say no to that

She sniffled


it was like she could read my mind cause she preposition sneezed like a kitten I couldn't help myself so is said in the cutest voice possible

"Bless yoou!!"than kissed her on the nose. Next thing I know I was staring as a crab. She was that red

I felt myself heating up. We started laughing and we laid in the grass

I turned to her and I was staring strait into he (e/c) eyes.

Ian-You might not know this but I was your first fan. you made laugh when I was having a hard time so I want you to know... because you where for me.. I will ALWAYS be there for you.. because your my hero and I can't let you be sad.

I saw her blush and she looked sooo cuuute!

I booped her nose and said

Ian-Don't do that your gonna make me melt!!

You-Ian Hecox you just admitted your the mystery person whom spammed me and made pissed off. than asked if we could Internet date.

Right when she said that's eyes grew wide. I blushed and laughed

Ian-Lonely guys need entertain ment! You where hot I was lonely and still a Virgin I would do anything for a girl friend and I just so happen to to really love your videos!!

I saw she blushed when I said virgin and that made me think

Is y/n still a virgin o0o

Ian-we should go and get you settled in the smosh house...

an- that was a sweet little chappie I hope you looved it! The next chapter is gonna be so Kawaii your gonna fangurl!! But I want you to have to wait for the good part!!

Ps-So what I am getting a bit dirty with the virgin talk but just you wait I might do a lemon chapter!!!! Lol maybe prob not tho... Depends on how bored I get :p I really enjoy writing this story so maybe you should leave sudgestions for my next story!!! I am gonna do a reader x Anthony sometime so don't sudgest that please plus there will be some Anthony action in this fanfic so hold your pink frosted sprinkly donuts!!!

It started with a SPLAT(Ian Hecox x Reader SMOSH)Where stories live. Discover now