Introduction- Meet the Gang

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You see, when your parent is a professor at a high end school, you get dragged to a lot of things. Tonight, it was a banquet for some of the professors he knew. I knew them all, had met them before. But I was still getting dragged to this.

"Alexander, let's go! I can't be late if I'm the host!" Dad yelled. My dad was one of the most beloved teachers at the school- Professor George Washington. He always had something to do. I sighed and fixed my collar on my suit. Tonight, the theme was navy, white, and red since we were welcoming a new teacher from France.

"I'm coming, don't worry. Jeez, chill out. I'm sure Mr. Lafayette will like the school," I said, covering all of Dad's concerns. He smiled as we got into the car.

"So, a bit of background. Mr. Lafayette is from France, and he will be teaching the language. He's going to be three doors down from me and might have a kid. I'm not sure," Dad explained. I nodded, putting my air pods in.

"Sounds great, whatever," I muttered. He grabbed my phone from me and put it in his pocket.

"No phones in the car. I don't need you getting car sick," he groaned. I frowned.

"Maybe you can meet a girl at the event," Dad teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, says "Mr. I-Don't-Even-Have-A-Wife" who is dragging me to this," I remarked.

"Oh be quiet," he grumbled.

We pulled into the parking lot, even though it was quite a walk before we got to the banquet hall.

"Now this time, don't put hot sauce in the food, prank the teachers, switch the pens with hair gel, and whatever else I'm forgetting. Please be on your best behavior. Especially for the new teacher," Dad warned. He turned around and looked me in the eye, and I nodded.

Everyone started arriving about half an hour after we got there. Dr. Schuyler and his three daughters, Professor Laurens brought his son, and Professor Matthew brought his nephew. I'd met a couple of the kids, but I never talked to them. I didn't want to, simply put.

Finally, the guy I assumed to be the new teacher arrived. He was tall, with a son that was also tall. They had dark brown hair. Dad walked over and shook the man's hand, then the boy's. We all sat down and said the prayer, then dug into the feast. We catered from Chipotle, so I grabbed a burrito and left with my notebook. I knew no one would be in here, so I sat down and started writing.

Dear Mom,
So for whoever is going to read this one, I thought today's topic could be about how you spend your time. I've told you about Dad's job, right? Well, I'm currently at a banquet for a new teacher. These things are so annoying. You have to dress up all nice and act like you care. And don't tell him this- but he worries A LOT about them. Everything has to be perfect. You'll have to calm him down because he stresses so much. But it's not that bad, if you manage to keep his head out if the water. I hope this helps, if you decide that you really love him.
Love, Alexander

I closed my notebook, filled with other letters to my future mother. If my Dad ever found someone who made him happy, I wanted to prepare them for the life that they were signing up for. Dad adopted me when I was twleve- two years ago.

I jumped when Dad walked in. He gave me a disapproving look.

"What are you doing in here? I thought you were going to make some friends tonight," he reprimanded. I shoved the notebook away.

"I, um, my head was hurting and I needed some quiet," I lied.

"Okay, well come out here with the rest of us. You need to socialize!" He gave me a smile, and I rolled my eyes.

When we walked out, my eyes landed on the Schuyler sisters. My feet froze in place as I looked at Eliza. Dad nudged me from behind.

"Come on Alex, don't drool. Her father will kill you," he joked. I tried to move, but my eyes were locked on the gorgeous girl. I could practically feel Dad rolling his eyes before he pushed me forward. I almost fell on my face. When I got up, I glared at him. He shrugged. I could feel my blood boil when that Lafayette kid walked over to the Schuyler's. I was temporarily blinded by Eliza's smile.

"Good gosh, I thought you'd have walked over there by now," Dad muttered. He walked up to Dr. Schuyler and shook his hand before taking his seat. I straightened myself before walking up to Eliza.

"Hey, I'm Alex," I said, with a winning smile. She spun around and my mouth inwardly dropped. She was beautiful, in her blue dress. She smiled at me.

"Oh hi, I'm Eliza. Hey, do you know where we could get some quiet? My sister's and I think it's getting a bit stuffy in here," she twirled her hair nervously. I nodded and we all went to the room I was in earlier. Along the way, the Laurens kid came with us. Eliza introduced me to her sisters, Angelica and Peggy. Angelica was...a wonder to behold. Peggy was sweet and joyful and funny.

"So what's your name?" I asked the other guy.

"I'm John Laurens, but I go by my last name. It just flows better," he explained, and we nodded.

"Hey what about those other two guys? We just left them out there," Eliza asked.

"I'll go get them," Laurens said. I started writing again, secluded in a corner while everyone else talked.

Dear Mom,
I am being forced to hang out with kids right now. I would much rather write, so I am sitting in a corner writing this. I think you know by now I'm not the friend type. But I try, for Dad's sake. I try to be obedient, because I know he has enough to worry about. I just thought you should know, for some reason or other. I also really just felt like writing. By the way, Dad loves Chipotle, but he fills up fast and often over eats. Don't let him do that. I should probably be checking on that right now. I love you, future Mom. I hope you love Dad and me too.
Love, Alexander

"Hey Alex! Come play a game with us!" Eliza waved me over, so I closed my notebook and walked to the group. We all sat in a circle to play truth or truth so we could get to know each other.

"Okay Alex, what's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?" Peggy asked. That was hard. So much had happened to me.

"Probably when my Mom died while she was still holding me. We were both sick," I said, then looked away. I didn't want their pity.

"I know that can be hard. Our mom died just last year," Angelica spoke up. I nodded and we moved on.

"Alex! Kids! Where are you?" I heard Dad call from the hallway. We all stood up and walked out to meet a couple of very concerned fathers in the hall.

"Eliza, Peggy, Angelica. Good, let's go," Dr. Schuyler said. We took the rest of the guys back to their Dads and went home. I fell asleep in the car. It had been quite the day.

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