May I?

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I was getting ready for school. I actually wanted to look good because I don't want Eliza to think that I don't care about my appearance. That was when my Dad walked in.

"Hey, breakfast is downstairs. Let me know when you're ready to go," he said.

"Okay," I sighed. I was wearing jeans and a nice t-shirt and called it good. I grabbed everything I needed and walked downstairs. 

"Can you walk home today? I have a staff meeting. I could try to find you a ride if you wanted," Dad asked me. 

"No it's fine, I'd rather walk," I dismissed the idea. I was hanging out with Eliza after school anyways. She said that her sister, Peggy, and her friend John were going to be at the park too. 

"Are you okay?" Dad asked, genuinely concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Are we ready to go?" I nodded towards the door and we walked to the car. 

"Angelica was like, "I'm way too tired," and I was just fed up. So I had to clean up the kitchen by myself yesterday. It was a pain. So anyways, how was yours?" Eliza ranted. 

"It was fine," I muttered. She slowed down to look at me. 

"Hey Alex, how are you feeling today?" She truly meant it; I could tell. 

"I'm alright," I kept looking ahead, my eyes not exactly focused on one specific thing. We walked quietly to first block together, grabbing glares from guys in the hall. Eliza was oblivious to how much I adored her. I depended on her company. The rest of the day was boring. 

"Hey Alex, walk me home?" Eliza asked. I smiled at her and nodded. 

"Wanna just go straight to the park? We can just disappear from the world. Boom. Gone," I suggested. 

"You are crazy. Absolutely crazy. I have to go home and change, but then we can go. I promise," she laughed. 

When we got to her house, I stood on the porch and waited for Eliza. I thought about what it was that made me love her. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, the way she could make me smile, the way she'd lighten the mood of a room just by walking in, the way she could make anyone love her. She was just one to be loved. 

"Alexander! Come in here!" She scolded me. 

"I don't like walking into people's houses," I complained. 

"Well too bad," she said," let's go. Peggy and John are at the park, so we need to go." 

"Alright, let's get a move on," I sighed. We walked quietly. Well, verbally. My head was freaking out because we were walking with her head on my shoulder and she was holding my hand. Peggy and John waved at us from the tree they were in, and Eliza perked up. 

"Peggy and John, sitting in a tree," she started singing. Peggy slapped a hand over her mouth, the both of them blushing.

"How's everyone doing today?" John asked. We all murmured in response. 

We talked for a couple hours before John and Peggy left. Eliza and I strolled around the park. That is, until a few older boys approached us. I immediately stiffened and felt the need to protect Eliza. It was a blur of what happened next. One guy held my arms behind my back as another laughed and beat me up. I gave in until I saw Eliza. Two of them had their filthy hands on her, pulling her back. 

"I've seen you around, boy. You just walk around with a Schuyler on your arms like you deserve her. Let me teach you a lesson," the one in front of me said, followed by a punch near my collar bone. 

"You let him go! Leave him alone! Get your-" Eliza screamed, and they put their hand over her mouth. I was outraged. 

"Get your dang hands off her!" I screamed, successfully delivering a kick to the guy holding me. I grabbed Eliza and we ran. We ran back to my house since my Dad wasn't home yet. I was still raging. I sat in a chair and stared angrily at a wall. Then I looked at Eliza. She was shaking, and she looked out of focus, like her brain was too busy. I just pulled her into a hug. Then I eased back into the chair because if my sore ribs. Eliza walked off.

"May I?" She asked, holding a rag and ice pack. I nodded. I winced as she cleaned the cuts on my face.

"Eliza, my ribs," I hissed. She didn't hesitate to pull up my shirt, gasping at what I assumed was a pretty good sized bruise.

"Alex, do you have any rubbing alcohol?" She was obviously concerned.

"It's in the bathroom under the sink," I told her.

"Okay, I'll be right back," she promised. I took this time to look at my ribcage. A large, purple bruise bloomed, surrounding a small cut. It wasn't hospital level, but it needed treatment. Luckily, I had Eliza.

"Alex, pay attention for me," she reminded me. I nodded. I couldn't believe those guys had the audacity to touch Eliza like that. 

"Eliza, they didn't hurt you did they?" I questioned. 

"No, I'm fine," she promise, "and you're good. Wanna go hangout in the loft?" 

"Yeah sure. I'm tired though, so if I fall asleep don't say I didn't warn you," I chuckled, gasping and doubling over soon after. Both of us ended up falling asleep.

A/N: Hey, two nights in a row! Yay! Sorry I'm trying to balance testing, finals, and writing. Doing my best! Please pray for my friend who has COVID-19.

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