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Everything was happening tonight quicker than I ever could've imagined and I mean everything, right down to the rate in which I was becoming intoxicated.. With the help of some liquid courage, Teeny got many answers out of me that probably wouldn't have even been addressed until much later into her stay, like close to the time she was getting ready to board her plane later. She met Austin much sooner than intended, and in a much different way than I had planned in my head.

Initially I had planned to take her out to lunch while Lily watched Liam for a few hours, giving her the in depth explanation to how we met and the things that we have done to make sure she knew everything about him while she still only knew him as Austin, before she finally met him in person. My hopes being that once she found out he was Post Malone it wouldn't matter since she knew the type of guy he was. But, as always the universe seemed to have other plans and right now given the state that I was in, I could do nothing but go along with it.

I was brought back from my momentary visit to my thoughts, which while being tipsy could always be a dangerous place for me but so far so good, as I felt Austin's lips leave mine, my eyes fluttering open to be met with his blue irises staring into the golden brown glow of my own, his stare captivating me as he pulled me out to sea. I smiled down at him, a small hiccup leaving my lips as I threw my head back and giggled before bringing it back down to look at him, a cute smirk occupying his face.

"Lil miss, just how much have you actually drank tonight?" he smiled at me, the atmosphere between us playful after our recent confession to each other. I brought my gaze up to the ceiling, unlacing my fingers with his a I started counting off the drinks that I remembered having one by one, giving up after reaching shot 5. He looked at me with raised eyebrows, his mouth slightly agape as I shrugged my shoulders at him, holding my hands out to the sides. "Okay, let's rephrase that question" he laughed, his hand rubbing up and down on my back. If you had to guess, how many drinks would you say you had?"

I smirked at him, leaning down and placing a sloppy kiss on his perfect pink lips before pulling away with a giggle. "Oh I don't know, like four double Tito's and OJ, four or five shots of Fireball and a shot of Patron" I laughed, slurring just slightly as I nodded my head at him, another hiccup and giggle escaping my lips.

"That's like triple your weight in alcohol lil miss, how are you going to get home?" he asked with a laugh, both of his hands coming up to cup my face as his thumbs ran over my now warm and rosy cheeks, a side effect of drinking that I thoroughly disliked, his eyes roaming my face with worry quickly building up behind them.

"We took an uber here so I would assume an uber back?" I said raising my shoulders with a laugh. "So what brought you all the way out here tonight baby?" I asked him with a tipsy smile, changing the focus off of my level of inebriation.

"This just so happens to be one of my favorite places to go, not many people know about it and it's quiet" he smirked. "Little did I know Teeny and your gorgeous little self would be here" he smiled at me placing a small kiss on the tip of my nose, before his eyes glanced up behind me making me look over my shoulder as I saw Teeny coming back to the table without drinks.

"I thought you were getting us more drinks" I laughed, her eyes still wide with shock as they were roaming over the two of us as I sat comfortably on his left leg, my left hand laced with his right as it rested in my lap, and my right arm slung around his neck. He had his left arm resting gently on my back as I leaned my head on his looking over at Teeny.

"The bartender is bringing them over. I hope you like Fireball Posty, that's your girl's favorite shot" she said, pointing a finger at me as she sat down across from us.

I wrinkled up my nose as I shook my head back and forth, a laugh leaving Austin's lips as he squeezed my hand. "Yuck, don't call him that" I laughed. "It's just Austin, regular old Austin" I said to her.

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