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The last two days felt like they drug on forever, I was thinking of everything I could possibly do to make the days fly by, but no matter what I did, it seemed like time itself was moving slower than molasses in January. I was thankful however that Teeny stayed, although the day after Austin left she had to go back to work, so she spent most of her time sitting in front of her computer taking business call after business call. But, despite all of that having her and Liam with me at Austin's was a gift that I couldn't be more thankful for.

The night that Austin left wasn't easy for me in the slightest. I knew that it was going to hurt not having him here with me, but I never imagined the magnitude of how it would hurt. My sobs against Teeny as we watched Austin pull out of the driveway continued well into the early morning hours. I did however pull myself together long enough when we went to go get some clothes from my house. I didn't want Liam to see me crying, I wanted to be strong for him just in case he needed me. But, behind the closed doors of my bedroom, I sat on my bed for several minutes with shaking shoulders as I cried, desperately missing the man I loved so much.

Austin had kept to his promise, much like I expected him to, texting me as soon as his plane landed at LAX with a multitude of promises that he would call me after meeting up with Dre and Jay at the studio. I was very glad that he hadn't called me at that point, knowing that if I heard his raspy voice float through the speaker of the phone towards me that I would've broken down into a fresh wave of sobs. I knew that he was feeling bad that he had to leave us in the first place, so I didn't want to have him hear me crying and build upon the guilt that he was already feeling for leaving me.

The next day didn't seem to go by any smoother, sadness building up inside of me as soon as I opened my eyes to see that his side of the bed was barren, the coldness of it creeping against me as I pulled the covers up closer to my chin. I had spent most of that morning laying in the bed, knowing that Teeny was around to take care of Liam until she had her first meeting. As lame as it sounded, I felt like I didn't have the desire to do anything now that he wasn't here. The mornings seemed duller, the evenings seemed boring and every moment in between seemed to be insignificant in it's own way as the time drug slowly by.

Austin hadn't talked to me much during his absence on the second day, although he had warned me the day before that he was going to be busy the next day recording most of the songs for his new album. Even though it was something I knew was going to happen, it killed me inside not hearing from him, my mind constantly wandering to what he could be doing instead. I was instantly glad that I had taken the time off of social media since I had moved here so I wouldn't be tempted to check my phone to see if there were any photos of just what he was up to in the City of Angels.

When the alarm clock went off this morning, at a much later time than it has ever gone off before, I lazily shut it off before turning myself back over in the bed and pulling the covers over my head. I had every intention of staying in the large empty bed for as long as I could today before getting out to start my day. I had resorted to sleeping in one of Austin's shirts every night, the smell of it and the feeling of it on my body making me feel like he was here with me at least in some way. I knew that I was being a horrible host to Teeny and an ever worse Mom to Liam the past two days, but for some reason I couldn't get myself together.

I heard the sound of Liam and Teeny laughing as they walked down the hall, this time Liam not even bothering to ask to come in and see me, as they made their way to the kitchen. It was just after 9 so I was assuming that Teeny was going to go cook him something for breakfast before they attempted to come and wake me up. I rolled over to my left to see that another beautiful day was in the works for today. The sky a crisp blue accented by the stark white of the clouds, the sounds of birds singing happily as they flew by, the bright cheerfulness of the morning being a stark contrast to the melancholy state that hung inside the room.

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