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We started making our way towards Morgan County, the mountains slowly changing on the horizon as we approached the semi secluded spot in the mountains where Austin's--or as he referred to it as our--second home was located. I had to admit that I was pretty excited to be coming back here again, there was something about the house that I loved and even though we didn't spend much time there, the time that we did spend gave me this homey feel. Don't get me wrong I would never ask Austin to leave his house in Cottonwood Heights to live here, he spent far too much money remodeling it and making it exactly what he would like. But, I would entertain the idea of spending more time out here as a family when he had time off, especially since he held such a lax open door policy with his friends.

He smiled over at me as he laid his hand gently on my thigh giving it a tight squeeze as I looked over at him with a smile. Everything about today felt so right, it felt perfect and it felt normal. Not that being with Austin has felt anything but normal, after all we haven't gotten into his crazy lifestyle just yet, but a part of me wished this could be our life everyday and call me crazy but I think a huge part of him wishes that this could be our life everyday as well. I rested my head back against the headrest, my hand gently resting on top of his letting my thumb gently caress his knuckles.

"I love you" I said to him, his lips curving up into a smile as he turned his hand over grabbing mine in his bringing it to his perfect plump lips, the softness of them pressing against the back of my hand as I felt the butterflies start to flutter in my stomach to the small action.

"I love you too sweetheart" he said, the words between us never seeming overused and always seeming to be needed. I never tired of saying it to him nor did I tire of hearing him say it to me. It felt perfect and it felt right and I needed him to know that I loved him more and more with each passing second of every day.

I looked over my shoulder towards the back seat of the raptor, Liam playing quietly with his iPad on ABC mouse before turning back around in the seat making myself comfortable within it once again. Our hands remained laced on the armrest that was between us, my gaze now focused out the window as I watched the mountains--that I would never grow tired off--passing by me outside. The way the sun was setting gave them a dark crimson hue as they slowly became the black silhouettes that would guard us for the remainder of the night. Everything about being out here made me feel safe and protected, and maybe it was because I was with Austin and he just exuded that feeling onto me no matter what, but I was certain that this wasn't a feeling I was going to find anywhere else no matter how hard I tried to look. 

We pulled into the gravel driveway of our home, Austin shutting off the engine to the truck as he quickly hopped out of the drivers side, appearing quickly at Liam's side as he easily unbuckled him from his carseat to set him gently down on the ground before opening the door for me. I smiled as I saw him hold his hand out for me as I gently rested mine inside of his before jumping out of the truck making him laugh at my silly gesture. He wrapped his arms around me, his fingers just brushing over the curves of my ass as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. I instinctively leaned my forehead against his lips as he pressed a soft kiss against it before I looked up into those beautiful ocean blue eyes that made me fall in love with him more and more each time I stared into them.

"Why don't you take Liam inside and I'll be right in with the stuff. We can hang out for a few minutes if you want but we should probably get going soon" he said quietly as I rested my head against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat always soothing me regardless if I needed it to or not as I let out a comfortable sigh.

"Okay baby" I said, my lips pressing against the olive green fabric of his shirt--he was wearing the outfit that I had met him in and to say that it was giving me extreme butterflies would be an understatement--as I pulled away from him, his hand swiftly patting my ass making me laugh as I grabbed for Liam's hand and carefully led him up the stairs that led to the house.

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