henshiners s1 episode 10 brother cooperation

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On the drevils plane

There are 2 people and 2 aliens


Here the durtas are very trusted by destroyzers

And he leads this evil team

Durtas are very strong

Not only strong, he is also very good at strategizing

Drevil: durtas

Hasan: what's wrong

Drevil: I'm going somewhere
With soundronic, you guard my plane

Hasan: ok ready

Drevil leaves

And on the plane there were only Hasan and Kevin

Kevin asked his own boss something

Kevin: boss hasan I'm a little pity with nadia you beat him very hard

Hasan: ooo I'm sorry

Kevin: why did you become a traitor?

Hasan tells the reason why he betrayed

And Kevin just found out

Nadia's house

Nadia and tony are a little different

Unlike usual, the two of them always got along well

But this time the two of them were alone

Nadia: Tony I already cooked omelette, let's eat Tony

Tony was quick

Tony: noooo!

Nadia: don't you need to hurry or not?

Tony and Dyson are still sad because their brother is a traitor

Nadia: Tony you come out first yes from my room I want to change clothes

Tony came out of Nadia's room

Nadia also walked over to Tony

Nadia: I know you are sad because you have a patient traitor and friend who is patient, ton

Nadia immediately hugged Tony

Tony, who was sad, immediately smiled

Tony: yes nadia i'm not sad

Nadia: well then eat eggs first

Tony: ok

Nadia: after eating I will take you somewhere

Tony: where?

Nadia: already finished the food

Tony immediately devoured Nadia's food

Nadia is happy to see Tony eat a lot

Nadia immediately took Tony to Tony's house

Tony was confused why Nadia invited him to his house

Tony: Nadia what are you doing inviting me to my house

Nadia: you used to be trained by your brother as a child and your father said that your brother's martial arts were the result of your brother's training with your father
So your brother was strong thanks to your father's training
Let's practice with your dad

Tony: yes yes

Tony immediately knocked on the door

Tony: assalamualaikum sir

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