henshiners s1 episode 2 the appearance of a dangerous vegetable-eating monster

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West Jakarta

Above the sky was a plane belonging to the destroyzers crew, the leader of the cyber destroyers

Drevils: report destroyzers host

Destroyzers: how have you caught dyson?

Drevil: No sir I failed to catch him

Destroyzer: ah damn how come !!!

Drevil: I should have and the doyzer army managed to catch Dyson but Drevil managed to escape and ran away with humans

Destroyzer: Wait a minute, what is he taking humans for?

Drevil: he brought humans to join

Destroyzer: Hmmm, apparently, it's easy to find a human who joins Dyson
And track the whereabouts of the surviving cyber heroes!

Drevil: ready sir I will use this monster

Monster: Introduce me Monster vegetable vegetaqu my name is vegetaqu !!!!!!

Destroyzer: I don't care about your name

Vegetaqu: Sorry Your Honor

Destroyzer: Quickly look for Dyson monsters and kill
If you have killed Dyson, look for henshiners who are hiding in Indonesia

Vegetaqu: Your Excellency

The destroyzer turns off the holographic message

Drevil: You heard the noble orders to destroyzers there to earth
Devour all the vegetables in Jakarta
So that you can be strong

Vegetaqu: ready boss!

Vegetaqu got off the plane

And immediately stole the vegetables in the garden in Jakarta

The next day

Mr. Tony: Tons wake up let's pray at dawn first

Tony: yes sir

Tony and his father prayed at dawn

After praying, Tony and his father did their morning exercise

Tony and his father jogged from home to town

After coming home from a morning run

Tony and his father stopped by the Nasi Uduk shop for breakfast

Tony's father: let's have breakfast first at the Nasi Uduk stall

Tony: ok sir

Tony's father: Bu his Nasi Uduk 2

Ibu Nasi Uduk: ready sir

Mr tony: ton you want to go back for a while, your friend, your phone, sir

Tony: ok

The mother selling Nasi Uduk is preparing Nasi Uduk for Tony and his father

Tony told the mother that if Tony ordered the rice, he didn't need to use vegetables

Because Tony really hates vegetables and doesn't like vegetables

Tony: Ma'am, I just used orek tempe, no need to use vegetables

Ibu Nasi Uduk: You don't like vegetables, do you?  Incidentally, today I did not cook sayur mas all the vegetables in my garden were gone

Tony: huh lost ???

Ibu Nasi Uduk: Yes, bro, like the vegetables in my garden are classified by thieves, but many people say that it's not the only mother who is lazy
But many have vegetable gardens
The vegetables were all gone
That's why today I made bakwan without vegetables and noodles without vegetables

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