Chapter 7: "the work time show!" Evan and Monica's POV

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       Evan walked down the stairs sighing after Jeremy slammed the door.
     He peaked out of the window as he watched Jeremy drive off running over the mailbox and the neighbour's trashcan.

     "Hey, you little punk!" Mr. Ellenburg, the neighbor, can after Jeremy's van as his robe slowly slipped off.

   "Oh!" Evan closed his eyes and shut the blinds.
         "I didn't see anything" He repeated walking towards the living room.

 "Oh that's Hank, don't worry he knows what he's doing" Monica joked while opening her notebook.

   She ripped out a page she wrote entitled, "Why Physics Suck"

 She threw it on the ground, "I failed that class already so what's the
 worst that can happen"
   She said.
   Evan looked around at the messy house, "Don't you wanna clean up first?"
    He asked picking up an empty bag of Cheetos.

   Monica jumped over the chair sighing, "Maybe later"
     She lazily replied.

          "Let's start this dumb project and hurry up" She continued falling back on the couch and groaning.

       She opened her laptop and headed straight for the web browser,
      "What are cells?" She typed.

   "What are you doing?" Evan asked reaching over to the coach.

    She opened the link and copy and pasted the entire page onto her project documents files.
Thus printing it.

    "Okay, we are done!" She cheered.
   Monica bolted up skipping to the study and getting the document.

    Evan followed, "You know this is plagiarism, and we could get in trouble"
        He argued.

  "Relax, the person who wrote this is probably dead" She brushed it off while stapling the pages.
       "And now!" She used her white-off and cleared the author's name from the paper writing, "By Evan ? and Monica Silver"

   "My last name is Bailey!" He continued arguing.

   "You know, if you keep arguing like this, your gonna look fifty in your early twenty's"
          Monica stated.

     Monica grasped onto the remote and turned on the television,
 "Okay, I have somewhere to go in a few minutes so here's some t.v" She pushed Evan onto the sofa.

  She walked to her room and picked up her curling iron.
    Evan raced to her room, "Are you crazy?" He shouted while holding the paper.    

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