S1: 2: The confusion

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"You guys are... Bang Christopher Chan and Seo Changbin from Straykids??" She almost shouted.

They both looked at her in shocked as if they heard a ghost spoke

"Ok let's just kill her" Changbin drew out a sword from his sheath.

Seohyun eyes widen as she moved backwards, away from the boys.

"Wait wait no-no. She might be one of our people" Chan said while making a barrier between Changbin and Seohyun.

"She knows our name" Changbin replied

"We are princes" Chan emphasize the word 'princes'

Seohyun looked at them in confusion. 'Princes'?

"What about the staykidie kind of thing?" Changbin asked, annoyed about the unfamiliar word.

"Straykids" Seohyun corrected Changbin from behind Chan.

Both of them turned their attention toward Seohyun. Changbin gave her a deadly glare. Seohyun looked away, not wanting to see the deadly glare.

"I'll stop talking now," she said with an uneasy laugh.

Suddenly, she felt a presence in front, just across her. She turned to look at Chan, kneeling in front of her with a gentle smile. He stretches out his hand towards her.

Seohyun was hesitant at first but because she was drawn to Chan's smile, not to mention she was this close to her favourite idol, she gladly accepts the offer. Chan helped Seohyun to get up.

Changbin put away his sword after Chan signalled him.

"Can you tell us, who are you?" Chan asked politely.

Seohyun's heart was touched by his gentle voice. She could only hear it through her phone. Now, Bang Chan is in front of her and talking to her.

"And why the hell are you here, shapeshifter?" Changbin asked while spitting out the word 'shapeshifter' as it was poison in his mouth.

Then, she was hit with reality when Changbin talked. Seohyun was startled for a moment. She didn't understand what was going. Princes? Shapeshifter?

"Is this a prank?" She asked them

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows. Chan looked completely puzzled by her question.

"I mean, there's no such thing as shapeshifter and you guys aren't prince, maybe in the music industry, but you guys are idols" she tried to conform what was going on.

Changbin and Chan both looked as confused as her. They looked at each other as if there were talking throughout telepathy.

"This is a first I heard from a shapeshifter," Changbin said as he examines the girl.

"What do you mean shapeshifter? If this is a prank, then, hey you got me. So, can we call it a day? My head is killing me" Seohyun said as her throbbing head worsen.

"We aren't playing any pranks. We found you in this dark forest, unconscious" Chan tried to explain.

"And we're not....idla? Idle?" Changbin tried to say the unfamiliar word.

"I think she said, 'idol'" Chan helped Changbin

"Yeah, whatever that is. We're princes from great kingdoms and here you are at our borders between our kingdoms" Changbin tried to explain.

Seohyun's headache quickly fades away after hearing the explanation.

'Kingdoms?' 'princes?' she thought.

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