S3: 6: A new journey

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"Have no worries Seor- I mean Miss Seohyun. You and your friends will return to your normal state after the clock strikes 12 as the curse will only continue if your blood had stained the dagger" she said while her eyes trailed to the dagger on the floor.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, reflecting what she had done. Terrible things she had done because of the pressure and the rumours. She had lost herself amidst the flow she had thought would lead her to her happy ending; however, it was the opposite. She lost herself and hurt the people around her along the way.

"I'm sorry for what I had done to you and your friends," she said as her head hung low.

Seohyun squeezed her hands in assurance as she nodded with a small smile.

Slowly, Lady Eunji walked towards the door. Each step, she felt as if bits by bits of courage existed within her. Somehow she felt a bit excited for no reason. Was it because her worries had been lifted or were it because her cloudy mind is finally at peace? She was not sure but one thing she knew; beyond the door in front of her is a door that lead her to a new journey she shall continue on her own.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Seohyun asked while her eyes tried to concentrate on the moving figure.

"Who knows. Maybe going to a new path to find myself" Lady Eunji replied with a soft smile.

Seohyun smiled back at her. She yawned a bit as a prick of tear slipped out.

"I'll leave you to rest" Lady Eunji tried to hold herself from giggling.

As she was at the door, Lady Eunji stopped. She turned around to the sleepy figure waiting for her to leave as a gesture of politeness. A question popped into her mind.

"I'm wondering... What love did you find in here? You seemed to enjoy it here" Lady Eunji questioned Seohyun.

Seohyun mind awakened due to the question. The first thing that appeared in her mind was someone she didn't expect. She quickly pushed the thought away (embarrassed by herself) and remembered other things she loved.

"Lots... Hangyeol and the library, hanging out with Changbin and eating the snacks he brings, reading those books in the library, drinking tea with my friends once a while and...spilling tea too" she mumbled the last part and chuckled to herself about her little joke.

Lady Eunji watched her as she couldn't understand what could have made the girl laugh. Seohyun stops herself as the memories still won't stop coming in. Her friendship with Speedy and the princes, her good relationship with the royal family and...


The memories stopped as if it was on cue. Seohyun widen her eyes, still surprised he appeared once again. Lady Eunji just watched the blushing figure in her thoughts, as if she knew what was she was thinking. Lady Eunji smiled painfully.

"Take good care of him, Miss Seohyun," she said as she faced the door.

"What?" Seohyun asked, she started to feel drowsy again.

"Be true to your feelings" Lady Eunji turned to her with a smile that couldn't be described by words. She opens the door slowly.

"Take care, Miss Seohyun. Let's meet again someday" Lady Eunji said before disappearing completely.

Seohyun was confused by what she had said. She keep staring at the closed door as if the door had her answers. Her vision started to turn blurry and everything suddenly went dark.


"Did you do it, my lady?" The voice sounds anxious.

Lady Eunji stopped walking and look at her butler standing in front of her with an anxious look. He was fidgeting with his gloves as he bit his lips slightly- hoping his master would say 'no'. Lady Eunji smiled gently at him and giggle.

"Don't worry, I didn't, Jaehyun" she said as she walk towards him and gently calmed him down. She pats his shoulder as she could feel his body relaxed.

"Thank god! You don't know how suffocated I was the whole time! I don't know how I will react if you come back bloody...maybe I'll pass out cause I can't stand seeing blood or maybe I'll just be shocked you actually did it and-" Jaehyun let out his pent up thoughts and emotions he had kept inside the whole time.

"Jaehyun" Lady Eunji called to him gently

Jaehyun turned around to his master with a curious look.

"Let's go home. I'm tired" Lady Eunji said as she waited at the carriage.

Jaehyun smiled sheepishly and ran quickly towards her and open the door for her.

"Yes, of course, my Lady," he said, bowing slightly as Lady Eunji entered the carriage.

Jaehyun followed her after he instructed the driver. Lady Eunji stared outside the window. The pitch-black forest slowly showed its magical self thanks to the moon. Lady Eunji smiled to herself a bit.

Slowly, the scenery leaves her as the sounds of clopping made by the horses filled the air. Jaehyun watched his master with a slight of relief and happiness. He could see a hint of her old herself through that genuine smile. The person who lied to him about sleeping in so she could have her own personal time. The person who loved tasting the dessert he would bring.

"Would you like to eat a cheesecake on the way back, my Lady?" Jaehyun asked

"I do hear the cheesecake here is marvellous. Sure, I would be delighted" Lady Eunji replied as she turned to him with twinkles of excitement in her eyes.

Jaehyun couldn't stop himself from laughing when seeing his master excitement for dessert. Lady Eunji stared at him in confusion but somehow she joined him laughing; influenced by his laughter.


The dagger laying underneath the sofa gradually turned to dust. A gushed of wind enters the room by forcefully pushing the window to open. Seohyun shivers a bit before resuming sleeping.

The wind surrounds the dust in a circling motion before it lifted the dust and leave the room through the window. The moon shines on the sleeping figure brightly.

"I was hoping for her to actually kill that girl. It would make things much easier" the person said as they sighed.

The dust now surrounds the person's hand as it rested slowly on their palm. They stared at the dust in disappointment before clenching their fist.

"Fret no dear, our plan will still resume no matter what" another voice chimed in, trying to console their friend.

"Besides none of them will know what is in store for them," a third voice said.

They all smiled gleefully as they stared at the 3 magic balls in front of them. Each crystal ball contained the 3 girls respectively.

"Oh, they won't know what hit them" the smiles grew wider.

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