S4: 4: Animals and Peace

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It has been some time since Seohyun went to see her friends. The man sitting in his office sat uncomfortably, ignoring the pile of paper works in front of him. He kept sighing deeply every time his eyes glanced at the pendulum wall clock.

Each tick from the clock made him grow restless. She should have been back here in the afternoon and now it's almost midnight. He was afraid she might have gone somewhere dangerous like the last time she did with her friends. Though, her tracker didn't notify him of anything dangerous.

He got up and walk around the office to calm himself from thinking of the worst things. He saw the exact thing he needed to calm himself down. He sat beside his table where a dog was sleeping in its bed.

"Berry~" he called while petting her.

Berry who was sleeping, woke up with sleepy eyes before yawning. She looked at Chan who had a nervous look plastered all over his face. Slowly, she got up and stretched before going to Chan and putting her head on his lap.

"You know exactly how I feel do you?" He asked as he stroked her head.

Just gently petting Berry, makes him calmer. Just the medicine and accompany he needed now. Though, his mind still thinking about her. When he looked at Berry who was sleeping on his lap, it reminded him of him when Berry first met Seohyun.

They two just clicked right away. She would cuddle, pet and play with Berry when she hangs out in Chan's office. Sometimes, they even sleep together on the couch when they're tired of playing. This made Chan smile a bit and reduce his stress.

Then, there was a knock coming from the door. Chan raised his head to look at the person who was going to enter the room. Instead of seeing the person he wants to see, the knight who was guarding his office opened it and bowed a bit at someone smaller than him.

Chan couldn't see who it was due to the couches blocking his view. Then, it came to him without no hesitation. Chan smiled once again. It was his guardian wolf. Wolfchan. It was sitting in front of him, asking to be pet too. Chan giggles and pets it just like how he was petting Berry.

"Was my anxiousness that bad?" He asked the wolf. The wolf replied with a nod.

The royalties of Christark have each of their own guardian wolf. No one really sees or knows this due to it only appears around the royalties only. Sometimes to the knights but never to a commoner. Chan found his guardian when he was five, after his birthday party that night, he was getting ready to sleep when a baby wolf suddenly appeared in front of him and kneeled.

Chan wonders sometimes, do other royalties of different kingdoms have their own guardian. Nonetheless, even if they do exists they're prone to hide from anyone. Though, Wolfchan had appeared once in front of Seohyun when she was in the library.

He remembered they were searching for the information in the library when Wolfchan appear without any reason. He chuckled when he remembered how excited she saw Wolfchan for the first time. Praising how fluffy and cute he is and petting him makes the wolf filled with pride.

She once told him how much she loves animals because of their purity and honesty. As she pats the wolf, she said with a nostalgic look that whenever she's lonely, there's always a random animal to keep her accompany. Like they knew she needed someone at that time.

He felt the exact same thing too. Growing up in a place where you constantly need to be perfect and met the expectations of everyone sometimes makes him tired of everything. Luckily, there's always Berry and Wolfchan by his side whenever he felt lonely in the castle. Now, he even has his friends from other kingdoms and also the three new girls who randomly enter their dimensions.

"Do you like that girl in the library? Seohyun?" He asked Wolfchan who was also laying his head on Chan's lap.

The wolf stands up and nudge him before resting its body next to Chan.

"Of course, I know you always choose me first," Chan giggled as he hugged the wolf.

"I like her too," he said as he smiles at Wolfchan.

Both Berry and Wolfchan watched their owner smiling, finally eased a bit. They glanced at each other and get up. Both of them stretched before walking away from Chan.

"Bye, have fun both of you," Chan said as he waves at them. It was time for their daily playtime. Chan knew that well.

The door was scratched before it was opened from the outside by the knight. Then, it was closed again. Chan sat there on the ground, staring at the door once again.

After a few moments, the door opened again without a knock. Chan widened his eyes as the figure walks in with some blood stains on his white clothes. The face he thought he would never see again.

"Han Seojun?" He questioned as he watched the figure plop himself on the couch, smirking at Chan.

"Been a long time since we've met, your highness," he waved mockingly.

Chan got up immediately as he can sense something was wrong. Why is he still alive? What is he doing here? Whose blood is on his clothes?

"I know you must have lots of questions...just like your sweetheart," he said while looking at his hand tainted with blood.

"Seohyun? What did you do to her?" Chan asked as his body tensed. His fist and jaw were clenched.

Seojun thinks for a moment as if he was trying to recall everything. Then, he giggles to himself as if what he remembers was the funniest thing ever.

"I put her to sleep," he grinned gleefully.

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