S2: 5: Problem

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Seohyun stared at the blurry window covered with droplets of rain from inside the carriage. The rain was getting heavier. Suddenly, a flash of lightning strikes not far from the moving carriage. A thunder follows after the lightning made Seohyun flinched a little.

"You ok," Chan asked. Seohyun nodded and continue gazing outside.

He was sitting the opposite of her. Seohyun was deep in thoughts, she didn't realize Chan had been staring at her the whole time. He was watching her actions.

Her eyes seemed blank as she stares outside. Her face became cold and she didn't say a word. Her right hand was holding a lily from the bouquet, twirling around in her hands. Seohyun sighed as she remembers what had happened earlier.

Chan brought her to the graveyard for soldiers and knights who died in the war. Right in the middle, not far from a big shady tree, a grave with the name of Han Seojun was written.

Seohyun fall to her knees suddenly. She looked at the bouquet in her hands, it felt familiar like someone gave the bouquet to her... Maybe to him, her eyes shifted to the grave.

"He died 5 years ago during the Great War... He was in my special troop" Chan explained.

Chan pulled out a picture from his wallet. He kneels and gave the picture to Seohyun. A picture of a boy who looked similar to Seohyun, smiling with other soldiers around his age. Chan was in there too. He was in the middle. He didn't smile though.

Seohyun stared at the picture then glance at the grave. He died at the age of 14. What a young age. She felt a pang of strange guilt inside of her. He didn't get to live his life fully like her.

Seohyun closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. The sky was darker than before. It would rain anytime. She puts the bouquet of white lilies on his grave and picks a lily from it. She slowly stands up, her eyes never leaving the grave.

"It was nice to meet you, Han Seojun. I wish I could meet you personally" she said.

A large bump interrupted Seohyun from her memory. The carriage must hit a bump on the road. She looked outside again. The castle is in view. They were getting near.

"Are you fine?" Chan asked after seeing her out of the daze.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking" she replied with a smile.

She turns away and looked outside again.

"You know, you could talk to me anytime you want... My doors are always open" Chan replied as he puts his hand on her to comfort her.

Seohyun looked at his hand, then at him. He looked worried. She puts her left hand on his and gave a relieved smile. She nodded gently.


That night, Seohyun tossed and turned in her bed as she can't fall asleep. She had been awake since 2 hours ago. Her eyes were getting weary but she can't fall asleep.

Maybe it was because she kept thinking about her parallel self? Not only, their gender is different, he was also no longer alive. She couldn't think of any theory right now. There's only one thing on her mind.

How could she go home?

She finally gets up to a sitting position. She turned to look at the crescent moon through the big window in the room. She slowly gets out of bed and put on a dark blue robe.

She exited the room without any destination in her mind. As she walks around the corridors, she gazed at the portrait and decorations in the castle. Everything looked exclusive.

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