You're Nothing...

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Singto doesn't know what he can do for the singer, he had been waiting for the latter to message him. Krist had told him that he had to reach the company to meet the MD, and Singto saw how tensed the other was.

He was soo worried that he wanted to be there for Krist, after everything that happened he heard how their classmates were talking about Krist, and he couldn't handle hearing them. He had been in that place once. He knew that he couldn't accompany Krist, he wasn't in need there, so he took Krist's phone and typed his number in it.

Asking him to message him if everything is fine, Singto didn't think about anything at that time, he just wants to make sure the other was okay.

Sighing Singto checked his phone the umpteenth time. Looking out at the night sky, he wished that everything was okay. That Krist was fine.

His mind kept on dwelling upon the posts on social media and the talks on their campus. Social media was flooding with videos of Krist and Namtan's fight, and Namtan's declaration about the singer's sexual preference.

He read many of Krist's fans supporting him but there were many who started hating him too. And Singto is blaming himself for whatever had happened, it was because of him Namtan spouting something that's personal to Krist. The singer was forced to come out, it's not something you should do because others told you to or because you're forced to.

Coming out to the world is not easy, it might be normal for them but to others, it wasn't. So you had to prepare mentally, and emotionally stable to handle everything that comes with you coming out to the society. And Singto knows how much difficult it is when your personal matters are disclosed to society without you being aware or prepared of it. He can only imagine the pain Krist might be going through.

The face of the singer when Namtan told that he was gay was still in Singto's mind. The fear, insecurity, and confusion all over Krist's features. The words of others not helping either.

After Krist told him that he had to go to the company, Singto was left alone with Ice as Krist ran away, calling his manager on his way after Singto handed Krist his number.

Ice had been a great support to Singto. He talked back to their classmates and other students when they tried to approach Singto and throw harsh words at him. Blaming him for the cause of ruining the beautiful relationship between such a famous singer and his lover. That it was his fault for coming into Krist's life.

By the time this whole incident got viral people even started bringing out Singto's past relationship with the son of the politician. Of course, the other latter's name wasn't being mentioned only his, it was as if they were all targeting Singto, every blame was being put on him.

He didn't even know how others brought up a situation that happened way back. Did they put that much effort to search it out and bring it out of the covers?

And those were triggering the memories Singto wanted to forget, he could feel himself shivering at it. He was glad that at least Ice was being a help for him, they exchanged numbers and Ice promised Singto that he'll not let anything happen to his friends.

Ice's father owns a media company, and it's quite famous in the country. Everyone knew about it. Singto only asked Ice one thing, to protect Krist, to not let his face down in front of others. Krist was someone who's looked up by many while he was a nobody, he didn't care what others thought about him, he was used to these, but not Krist, the latter can't put his career at stake.

Breaking from his trance, Singto looked down at his phone when it started ringing. It was past midnight, there's only one possible way who it was. There wasn't any name of the caller so Singto was sure who it was.

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