Way by Music

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"Why are you asking about him to me?" Ice raised his eyebrow, pointing a finger at himself.

"Come on Ice, please. I don't even remember having him in our classes. So I'm curious." Krist nudged his friend.

Ice rolled his eyes. Whatever Krist was trying to tell wasn't making sense to him. Why does Krist want to know about that guy in their class?

"I don't know much about him, Krist, he's an introvert. Doesn't talk much to anyone. I barely even see his face, he always has that hoodie on him. It's only rare times that we get to see who he is under that mask he wears. Some students even  tell that he's a jerk and a bad boy, always attracting trouble towards him."

Krist listened patiently to whatever his friend was saying.


Ice furrowed his eyebrows, "Then what? That's all! I don't know much about this Singto guy. He hasn't even talked to me too, I almost thought he was mute or deaf if not for hearing him talk to the professors."

"Oh..." Krist slumped his shoulders. He wanted to know more about this guy, the mysterious aura around him was making him excited and thrilled to know about him.

"Why are you curious about him? You don't ask about anyone like that."

Krist bit his lips, he doesn't know what made him soo eager. He doesn't have an answer to what Ice asked him but his mind says that everything that's happening is for something better.

"I'm going to class," Krist said as he stood up, taking his bag from the table.

"Huh? It's interval Krist, why are you going to class? Our next class is in half an hour." Ice asked confused.

"I need some time alone. I don't know when Namtan is going to come. If she asks you to tell her where I'm, tell I'm with the professor or something." Krist didn't give a chance for Ice to ask more questions before he walked away.

Krist slung his bag over his shoulder as he walked to the next class of the day. Everyone was at the cafeteria having their lunch. He didn't feel like eating, he just needed some time alone. His manager Jane, had helped him with telling his fans to not disturb him during his college times, informing them to mingle with him like any other human being, not to give him any special attention.

And he's thankful that they're trying to make him feel at ease hereafter the public request in social media.

Krist looked out to the garden across the campus that divided the business and designing faculty. It was a vast garden, with a huge tree at the far end. The leaves and branches almost covered the trunk of the tree. A small smile formed on Krist's lips when he remembered the incident yesterday.

When he was about to return home after classes, his eyes caught on a figure sitting at the other side of the tree. The figure looked familiar to him so he decided to check on it hoping it was the person who he thinks it to be.

He had hidden behind the other side of the tree to look at the person who was laying on the lawn as his back leaned against the tree, earphone in his ears and his eyes closed.

That's the first time he saw Singto Prachaya up close. Without anything covering his appearance, a serene look on his face, his sun-kissed skin glowing. His lengthy hair messily done as it fell on his face. Krist had never seen a face soo peaceful as if the world didn't matter to him. Maybe because he was sleeping.  Singto looked beautiful in his eyes.

The three days he had got to know the latter, he had tried to observe him without asking anyone's help. He observed the latter, he looked from afar and had caught him remove his mask at times. He got only a few chances to catch Singto without anything covering his appearance.

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