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"How is he!? Is he fine?!"

"We're soo happy for you!"

"Bring P'Singto with you kha!"

"Good luck on courting him P!"

"If he makes you happy then we're happy for you too P!"

Krist smiled wide at his fans who were sitting on the floor, while he was standing in front of them, behind the building where the award ceremony he just attended took place. He just received the award for the best lyricist, that evening and he's really happy to see his fans and talk to them after a long time.

"He's doing fine, guys. He's happy that people aren't judging him now. And thanks to you all for supporting us. I'll look if I can bring him to meet you guys."

Since the press meet that happened, he hadn't been able to meet his fans in such a gathering. We would bump into them at the entrance of the company or during his colleges hours, other than that they didn't have much contact. He's happy that he would get a chance to clear things up with his fans personally.

"Thank you soo much for your support. I really appreciate it. It was hard for me to come out to you guys knowing how people would react to it. But even if I lost some of my fans, I'm sure that people who love me for who I'm and what I do will stay with me and will continue to support me," Krist smiled.

"And thank you for accepting Singto and helping us to deal with the hate spreading towards him. We're really happy to know that all of you're supporting us and playing blind eye to those who spread false rumours."

Krist glanced at his manager who smiled widely at him as the fans started to voice out how much they love them and that they'll continue to support them.

"You had always been open to us P'Krist! We won't believe those rumours until you open up to us about it. We know how much you value your personal life. And thank you for clearing things about your relationship with Khun Namtan."

Krist bowed his head in gratitude at his fans. He's blessed to have people who understand him well as his fans. He couldn't ask for more, he trusts that even if things might go rough in the future, true fans would stay by his side and support him, correct him if he does anything wrong. That's all he asks for and he's happy that he receives it.

Krist continued to happily chat with the fans until Jane informed him that he has to go back and that it was getting late. Krist immediately thanked all of his fans for their support and asked them to get back home safe and sound. He took a picture with all his fans and posted it on his social media accounts, thanking them for giving him this award.

"So, wanna go to your apartment or pick up your lover?" Jane gave a sly smile as he started driving the car.

Krist chuckled, "He isn't my lover, P."

"-Yet," Jane pointed out making Krist scratch the back of his neck.

"Well, yeah. Let's pick him up, he already messaged me that he'll be waiting for me," Krist smiled as he stared at his phone. Singto had texted him when he was with his fans, the latter had congratulated him after the award ceremony by calling him on phone.

The excited voice of the latter made him smile and feel butterflies. Singto sounded like a child who got his favourite candy, he was all excited and kept on repeating how happy he was for him, and that he deserved it.

Namtan never treated him the way, he had received awards since he joined the industry but each time he gets an award Namtan would just hug him and tell him that she was happy that he got the award and ask him to treat her dinner at some fancy restaurant for his achievement.

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