*Chapter 29*

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Luke's P.O.V
Why isn't she replying she usually replies instantly I grabbed my phone then started typing
Luke: u ok?
I waited a few minutes then grabbed my car keys better go see what's up I went outside got in my car then left.
I pulled up to her house and walked up to the door then rang the doorbell I waited a few minutes then the door opened I saw Y/N and smiled she stood by the door staring me something was different I could tell by her eyes something changed
"Luke what are you doing here" she said
"I uh came to see if you were ok" I said
"What do you think" she said
"Um I don't know" I said what's going on I'm so confused
"Come on luke don't act like you don't fucking remember" she said
"Remember what?!?What are you talking about"?!? I said
"What the fuck is wrong with you luke you broke up with me remember don't act like you don't fucking remember" she said my eyes widened I stood there in shock and my eyes were getting watery she shook her head then wiped her face
"Just go away luke" she said while closing the door I just stood there in shock.
Michael's P.O.V
Y/N came inside and went up to her room and slammed the door I looked out the window and seen luke shit I opened the door luke looked at me then Covered his face with his hands
"You ok mate" I said
"I uh don't know what just happened"? He said
"Um don't freak out but Y/N's back she doesn't have amnesia anymore" I said his eyes widened then he put his hands back on his face
"Oh god that's why she was like that" he said
"Yeah" I said
"I can't believe it my Y/N's back oh my god" he said
"Uh yeah um I better go check on her" I said
"Yeah um tell her I miss her and I'm sorry" he said
"Ok" I said I went back inside then went up to her room I opened the door she was laying on her bed crying I sat next to her and rubbed her back
"You ok sis" I said
"Not really how could luke act like nothing ever happened he's such a pick" she said
"It's ok love I just talked to luke he said that he misses you and he's sorry" I said
"Yeah right" she said she got up and went downstairs I'm glad she's back but I hate seeing her like this if only she knew how much luke loved her.

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