*Chapter 5*

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Luke's P.O.V
I feel like shit for yelling at Y/N she was just trying to make everyone happy and I ruin it it's just this tour well be apart for months the longest we been apart was about a week I'm gonna miss her so much ugh my eyes are getting watery I went faster and faster but Y/N was nowhere in sight maybe she went back to the car I went back to the stables with the boys and returned the horse I went outside and looked around she wasn't here but her horse was that's weird so she was here maybe she went walking I looked at Michael who looked worried
"Guys I think Y/N went walking look her horse is here" I said
"Yea let's go look for her it's gonna get dark soon" Michael said
"Yeah we better find her before a hobo rapes her or something" Ashton said
"Dude shut up" I said god Ashton he's such a idiot but he did have a point better find Y/N and fast.
Y/N's P.O.V
I returned the horse and started walking home this didn't turn out the way I expected Ugh I looked at my phone they leave in one day one freakin day and I wasn't ready to let them go not yet it's seems like only yesterday the boys were rehearsing in Ashton's garage god they came so far I'm beyond proud of them. I looked at the sky then I herd a honk I looked and seen the boys the car stopped Michael was the first one out he ran to me and threw his arms around me
"God Y/N don't scare me like this again" he said
"I'm sorry" I said he let go then luke hugged me
"I'm so so sorry babe I shouldn't have yelled at you I'm just so stressed" he said he kissed my forehead I smiled
"It's ok let's go home" I said we got into the car and I grabbed his arm and laid my head against his shoulder
"I'm gonna miss you babe" I said
"I'm gonna miss you more" he said
"Impossible I'm gonna miss you more and that's that" I said he laughed then kissed the top of my head I closed my eyes and slowly drifted asleep.

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