Part 19

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Nick: Mads we really need to get you security guard - he said as we both got in the house and closed the door 
Madi: No No No too much 
Nick: Mads that is dangers, don't you get that they can hurt you? 
Madi: they won't hurt me Nick, you said it will be over when it won't be new already 
Nick: yeah but till then.. besides i think that it won't be so easy, i think it won't take a while for people to connect the dots with you and Priyanka's post with the Jolene song
Madi: FUCK.. i forgot about that- i said as i sat down on the couch, putting my head between my hands 
Nick: Let me arrange this.. just try 
Madi: no Nick it's too much, i don't want body guard.
Nick: and if I'II tell you you won't see him?
Madi: what do you mean? he won't walk next to me? 
Nick: no, you won't feel him around. just when you'll need help he will be there
MAdi: is that possible ? 
Nick: yeah sure 
Madi: okay fine - i said nodding 
he stood next to me, gave me his hand and helped to get up from the couch.. 
Nick: i know it's hard, but it will pass - he said as both of his hands are on my cheeks 
i nodded and kissed him.. 
After Nick left the house for some meeting i started working on oliver's dress, it's a few hours i'm working on that , i went to the kitchen to the make me some coffe and i called Emily
Emily: hey there 
Madi: hey, wanna come over to my house? 
Emily: yes i'm coming, 
Madi: great i'm waiting for you.. 
Chels was at work so i decided to call her on face time.. 
Chelsea: Hey- she said as i saw her face on my screen 
Madi: just want to ask how's it going on your first day 
Chelsea: so far so good.. but I'II be coing late today 
Madi: ohh it's gonna be like that everyday? 
chelsea: no no don't worry .. 
Madi: okay sweetie so talk to me 
Chelsea: bye Madi 
Madi: bye - i said and hung up 
After a few moments Emily got in my house 
Emily: crazy why are you leaving the door open?
Madi: I always forget to lock the door, Nick's always tells me that it's dangers - i said smiling and hugging her
Emily: ohhh Nick's always tells you - she said winking 
Emily: tell me all about that Nick and you thing 
Madi: coffe first?
Emily: yes! please - she said as she sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen. i brought cake and cookies with the coffe and we sat together . 
I have told her everything, she didn't even know we grow up together, so i have told her everything.. 
Emily: what a crazy story girl 
Madi: yeah, i never thought it will be like that.. 
Emily: so what's now with you two? 
Madi: what do you mean? 
Emily: everything is going very fast with hollywood stars
Madi: you think?
Emily: you said it yourself.. he moves with priyanka after a few months 
Madi: yeah.. i never thought about it
Emily: what? don't you want to move in with him.. his house is probably crazy
Madi: yeah it is, but it's not about that.. i don't want to leave my house i love it, and Chelsea is living here with me so.. 
Emily: maybe chels will meet someone and move in with him? 
MAdi: i don't know, i don't want to think about that actually 
Emily: okay fine.. show me the dress for oliver 
Madi: it's just the begining .. but i have the sketch - and i gave her the sketch 
Emily: looks amazing! - she said and touched the fabric 
Madi: thanks girl 
-she spent an hour with me and she left 

it was 7 p/m and i decided to take a break to do some yoga.. 
after half an hour of yoga Nick  came in the house
Nick: you're not locking again babe..  - he said as he clsed the door behind him 
Nick: wirdo, yoga again .. 
Madi: it's fun you should try 
Nick: nope - he said laughing 
Madi: Jonas come on.. 
Nick: i'm with jeans 
Madi: it's fine it's not like you're doing the split 
Nick: so? 
Madi: let's try the head stand 
Nick: No no Mads, i need my body complete and not broken - he said laughing again
Madi: Jonas! come on .. 
I tried to teach him the head stand, he actually did very well 
Madi: i have to do a video of us doing this head stand 
Nick: okay fine - he said smiling 
Madi: ready? - i said and lean the phone on the couch so it will video the both of us 
Nick: now? 
Madi: 3..2..1 , up - i said and we both stood on the our heads.. Nick was closer to the wall so if he will fall it won't hurt him 
Madi: are you fine Jonas - i said laughing 
Nick: WOW awesome - he said laughing.. 
the laugh just took him out of balence and he fell and we both laughed 
Madi: that was great - i said and stoop stright as Nick still laying on the floor 
Nick: that was hard 
Madi: you did great 
Nick: help me up? 
i gave him a hand and he just pulled me on top of him 
Nick: opps 
MAdi: yeah right, opps - i said laughing and we kissed 
Madi: what do you say? should i upload that? - i said as we are sitting on the couch
Nick: sure it's funny 
Madi: yeah I'II just cut the part we are kissing 
Nick: what why? - he said looking at me 
Madi: i don't know,, don't want to push it 
Nick: push it?
Madi: yeah.. i need to see how your fans will react towrds me 
Nick: okay fine.. but don't take it seriously cause there will always be the one that love you and the ones who hate you
Madi: hate me?? 
Nick: yeah - he said laughing a bit.. 
told you don't take it seriously they just hate everyone i date 
Madi: wired ...
Madi: okay.. i uploaded .. let the comments begin 
Nick: do you really read that ? 
Madi: yeah i want to know what people thinks of me 
Nick: wired.. - he said smiling and so do i 
Basiclly that wans't so bad, just a few hate comment but not something series, them there was a comment that cought my eye
Nick: what happened? - he said looking in my phone after he saw that i'm in shock 
Madi: shit.. 
Nick: ohh not good... 
"she must be Jolene from Pri's post" - that was the comment 
Nick; wait show me the account.. 
Madi: i don't know it has no name just numbers 
Nick: i think it's priyanka 
Madi: what do you mean.. 
Nick: she opened a fake instagram a while ago, i think it's that
Madi: ohh no.. she wont let us go.. should i block her? 
Nick: no no don't treat that 
Madi: okay... - i said nodding 
then nick got a phone, "yeah i'm coming, fine" and he hung up 
Nick: that was joe, i need to go to the studio, there's some problems 
Madi: okay babe.. - i said as we got up from the couch 
Nick: I'II talk to you later baby - he said as he left the house.. 
I went to take a shower and putted on some PJ, i went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.. 
out of nowhere the door opened.. i look who is that, What the fuck .. Priyanka infront of me 
Priyanka: not locking the door, not smart Madison 
i was shock as hell.. couldn't say a word.. i think she is drunk 
Another quick chapter. 
hope you like it  
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