Part 36

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Dani: Madi! that's perfect for you - Dani said and soph agreed 
Madi:don't you think it's a little too short? - i said as i was looking in the mirror 
Sophie: no! you look hot 
Madi: wait l'll facetime Nick - i said as i took my phone and called him on facetime
Nick: Hey babe - he said and i saw his face on my screen 
Madi: what do you think? - i said as i was infront of the  mirror showing him the dress
Nick: maybe a bit too short .. but looking HOT babe ! 
i laughed 
Madi: so is that a yes or a no? 
Nick: do you feel comfortable? you like it? 
Madi: yeah i think so.. 
Nick: so go for it, you look amazing 
Madi: thanks babe, l'll talk to you later 
"okay l'll take it" - i said smiling to Dani and Soph who already picked a dress 
Madi: aren't we paying for it? - i whispered to Dani as i saw the cashier just packing us the dress. 
-- Dani took us to some designer's studio, that studio sells only designer's clothing. 
Dani: what, no - she said smiling 
i just looked at her and felt uncomfortable 
Madi: explanation please? - i said to both of them and they already knew what i was talking about 
Soph: Medi, it's fine, that's how it works.. the deal is when you get asked what are you wearing, you're saying the designer name and the studio 
Madi: and that's enough for them? 
Dani: we're also returning these dress of course
Madi: yeah either way i'm not gonna wear this anywhere else - i said laughing 
Dani: more than enough, just saying the studio name with the designer, brings so many buyers 
Madi: ohh, cool then. 
Soph: yep, it is.. 
-- We went to eat breakfast, got attecked by the paps but fine, wasn't too bad 
Nick: Baby, are you girls ready yet? - i heard Nick calling  from downstairs at his house. we decided to get ready at his house everyone, Joe, Kev and the girls. i mean of course with a makeup and hair team like hollywood are use to.
Madi: we're coming - i said as i got up from the chair cause i already done with hair and makeup, i mean i barley did anything, i wanted it simple. 
Dani: you can go down, l'll be there in two minutes 
Soph: yeah me too 
Madi: okay so i'm waiting dowmstairs - i said and got out of the room and went down 
Madi: oh my god, feels like prom all over again - i said smiling and laughing as i got downstaris to the boys 
Nick: damn baby. you look perfect - he said smiling as i walked right into his arms for a quick kiss 
Joe: so Mads!! excited? 
Madi: yes!! so much, don't know what to expect 
Kev: just have fun Mads, don't think too much 
Madi: hope i can do it 
Nick: you'll do great - he said and kissed the top of my head 
The girls joined us and we went out to the car 
Madi: are we going separately? - i said as i saw three huge black JEEP outside
Joe: yep, hollywood style - he said laughing and he and soph got in the first car, Kev and Dani to the second, and Nick and i to the last one 
Nick: it's gonna be fun i promise - he said as we are on our way 
i nodded and smiled. felt like if i would talk, l'll throw up. 
Nick: okay babe, we' re here. each couple is getting out fo the car by a Q we're given. you see that red carpet, we are walking on it, tons of pics and a lot of noise but you're next to me all the time so don't worry
This whole explanation i was just nodding my head 
Nick: babe relax - he said a bit laughing 
Nick: just try to go with it 
Madi: and interviews? 
Nick: i guess we'll have some but just a few and not long ones 
Madi: great - i said smiling 
Nick: finally a smile - he said giving me a quick kiss 
Nick: here's our Q, let's go - he said after somone knock on the car's window
As we were about to walk on the red carpet we saw her, my worst nightmare, Priyanka, standing and posing for the camera 
Nick: shit, how.. there's no way 
Madi: what now? - i said serios 
Nick: get her out of there - Nick said to the producer without people hearing 
Producer: how? i don't want to cause a mess, believe me you dont want either 
Nick: just get her off the red carpet. i don't care how. tell her to go inside the screening hall.
the producer just nodded and did as he told. 
Nick: we'll slove this - he said looking at me 
i just looked at him and smiled, i want him to have fun and be relax and not to worry about me 
Madi: baby, it's all good. we'll have fun no matter what 
Nick: let's go - he said nodding 
-- The red carpet was AMAZING! we did really good with everything. The posing for the camera, the interviews, the whole dynamics was perfect. 

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