First Day - Class: Part 1

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Soon the bell rings, and we all run out of the dorms to go to class. Since it's the first day, From 7:45 - 8:15 was when students were coming in and getting settled. I walk into class with Selina, Bianca, Kiana, Ciana, and Rachel.

I sit in the 2nd row with Kiana at the desk to my left, Bianca and Ciana sit at desks in the first row in front of me and Kiana, while Selina and Rachel sit at desks in the third row behind me and Kiana. Since we get 10 minutes to get to class, it takes a while for a few people to enter. Because Intro to Super Suits is only for first and second years, the class isn't entirely full.

Then I notice Selina roll her eyes, I look to the right entrance to see her brother, Ciana's brother, and a few of their friends. "You've got to be kidding me," Ciana says as she also noticed her brother and his friends.

"What are the chances of that" Selina says, "Pretty high actually," Bianca says. "I don't get why you girls hate your brother," Rachel says, "Same," Kiana says. "My mom always loved her brother" Kiana adds. "They are so annoying!" Ciana Exclaims, "Agreed," Selina says. "While like them or not they're coming over here," Bianca says, We all turn our heads, and Bianca was right, they were coming over here.

"Oh great," Selina says, "Hey baby sister," Samuel says putting his arm around her. "Don't call me that" Selina says slapping his arm off. "Why don't you boys ever leave us alone," Ciana asks. "What can't we talk to our little sisters," Carlos says sarcastically.

We roll our eyes, "Okay you were right" Kiana says we all nod our heads. "I wish I went with mom, or June stayed and you left," Ciana says, "Ouch," Carlos says sarcastically putting his hand over his heart. "Will you boy just leave already? You're clearly not wanted here" I say to them.

"Ouch," Felix says sarcastically. "Why must you always annoy people," A voice from behind the boys says, "It's not called annoying them, it's called talking to them Jayden," Samuel says, "Really?" Jayden says sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"How did you deal with them last year," I ask, "Honestly I don't know," Jayden says, "Just leave," Jayden commands, "Fine," Carlos replies crossing his arms. The boys leave and Jayden leaves to sit down.

"Welcome Everyone To Introduction Super Suits," Crazy Quilt Says jumping up from behind his podium. Crazy Quilt goes on to talk about how important a super-suit is. He talks about this for around 40 minutes. Then he gives us the projects.

"First year, your project is to come up with a super-suit that must exhibit creativity, craftsmanship, and practicality. It's due by the end of this month. You may not use the super-suit your parents have. However, you make create something similar" Crazy Quit says.

"First year before you start sketching, you must listen to the second year's project because it involves you" He adds.

"Second year, you must create a super-suit for the first year. It must have a mix between your powers and your partner's powers. I have the partners" He says holding up the piece of paper. "Jayden and Ciana". "Sabrina and Dahlia." "Felix and Issac." He goes on to say the pairings.

Crazy Quilt gives us 20 minutes to figure out designs. I sketch a design that reminds me of my mother's but adjusts it so it's more my style. Kiana looks over, "That looks nice," She says, "Thanks Kia," I say, I look over at hers, "I want it to be samurai related, and look similar to my mother's," She says.

"It looks good," I say, "Thanks" She replies. We continue working on our projects for around 10 more minutes until the bell rings. Me and the girls grab our stuff and put them away in our lockers. We then split off, and I go with Kiana to Weponomics. We meet up with Bianca, Sydney, Jade, and Hazel as we walk into class together.

Soon after the second bell rings and Mr. Fox walks onto the podium. "Welcome First years, second years, and third years to Weaponomics. Today we will start with an ice breaker to help to know each other, because soon we will be practicing using our weapons on each other, and it's important to know who you are up against" Mr. Fox says.

"You will say your name, parent or parents, and what you're weapon is, and if you have any powers," He says. "Does everyone understand?" He asks, We all nod our heads. "Does anyone want to volunteer?" He asks, "I'll go" A voice to the right of me says. I turn my head to see one of Sydney's sisters, Seraphina walking up. "Wonderful" Mr. Fox says moving out of the way so Seraphina can stand behind the podium.

"My name is Caroline Seraphina Ferris. I am the eldest daughter of Star Sapphire. My weapon is the Violet Ring, and the powers come from my ring. My powers include flying, Energy Aura, and Love Empowerment" She says. "Thank you, Seraphina. Who's next? How about a first-year" He asks, "Dahlia how about you" Mr.Fox says. "Sure," I say, I get up from my seat and walk to the podium.

"My name is Daphne Kaitlyn Castalia Prince. I'm the Daughter of Wonder Woman. My weapon is the lasso of truth. I have Amazon Physiology Powers which include Superhuman Strength, Stamina, Speed, Reflexes, Agility, and Endurance. And I also have flight powers." I say, "Thank you, Dahlia, now how about another first year?" He asks. This goes on for the rest of the period, we get to know each other and then at the end of class we're given a task.

"Okay students listen up. Now that we know each other, I have a project for you" He says. You will be partnered up with a classmate from the opposite gender. I expect you to practice using your weapons, and powers if you have any, so that the next class when you are all here is which is on Period 5 on Thursday.

You will be meet me outside on the field, and we will test your skills" He says. He picks up a piece of paper, "Now the partners, also known as the people who will be battling each other are. Chiara and Carlos. Barnett and Sydney. Shiro and Bianca. Fleta and Fernandez. Markus and Dahlia." He goes on to say a few more pairings then dismisses us.

We all walk out of the classroom to get out stuff for our next class. "What do you girls have next?" Bianca asks. "Algebra," I say, "Same," Jade says. "I have History of Heroing," Hazel says, "History's so boring," Hazel says.

"Haz you haven't even taken history before," Sydney says, "Yeah but we're just learning the same stuff over and over," Hazel says. "Come on we better get to class. Jade, Kia, Syd what class do you both have next?" I ask. "Science" Bianca says, "Art," Kiana says, "Science," Sydney says. "I guess we should split off then," Kiana says.

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