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there were three things on her mind as she was sitting in one of those boring lectures where she couldn't help but zone out.

one, it was nearly lunch time and mike hadn't texted her all day. it's not like she was sitting and waiting for his stupid messages but over time, it started being part of her daily routine for him to irritate her with stupid stuff and even more stupid requests.

two, whenever she thought back on all the times they hooked up together, she couldn't help but notice that they've never kissed. he never leaned in for a kiss and the realization of it was insanely weird. they've already seen all parts of each other that they could see, hell, they got acquainted with those parts but their lips never met — was he avoiding it on purpose?

and three, why the hell was she even caring about this? who cares if that asshat texted her or not? who cares if he kissed her or not? why did it occupy her mind when it doesn't even matter?

she shook her head to herself and averted her gaze towards the professor again. her thoughts needed to get muted, especially when they concerned someone as irrelevant as mike wheeler.

does my breath stink? do my lips always look chapped? no, can't be. my lips aren't chapped, if anything his crusty lips are chapped. yeah! he wishes he could kiss me! why am i even—

"—thank you for your attention. i know it was a lot to take in so if you have questions, feel free to ask. the ones who don't have questions are free to leave."

"shit." she mumbled under her breath and let her forehead fall against the table. so, she missed all of that? good job, el. here's a standing ovation to you for being a stupid dumbass. why didn't you just pay attention?

still, it was no use to stay and listen to the questions. she needed to catch up on the topic herself later and in one way or another she'll manage. with a sigh escaping her lips, she put her laptop and textbooks into her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

once she exited the auditorium, she saw max waiting in close distance by mindlessly scrolling through her phone. "max!" el called out for her and her friend snapped her head towards her at the sound.

"thank god, el, for a second i was convinced you would never come." the redhead dramatically said and took fast steps in her direction, grabbing her elbow to pull her in the direction of benny's burgers for lunch.

"tell me about it." el sighed, "the lecture was boring and i'm starving, i don't think a better combination of two things exists."

"me too." max —once again— dramatically agreed, "lucas said that benny's has a special lunch menu today. want one, too? i'll just tell him to get that for us so we don't have to wait much for the food to come when we arrive."

"mhm." she hummed in agreement. "so.. the guys will be there, too?"

"yeah, i don't think they would miss that." the blue eyed girl casually answered, unknowing that el's thoughts began to ratter once more. mike would be there too and she doesn't know what to do with that information.

it felt a little awkward to see him after thinking of those stupid things she thought about the entire day, she really felt like an utter idiot.

enough with mike wheeler, she thought to herself, it doesn't matter, just think about your lunch meal. a good burger with fries and a fresh drink.

once they arrived, the guys were already sitting at a booth with stuffed mouths. lucas gestured at them both, "sit here. you're on your lucky day, the orders just came now."

"oh god, finally." max groaned and threw her head back. she plumped herself on the free space, grasping her plate and pulled it closer towards herself.

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