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"mike, i'm nervous." as soon as the crisp wind hit her clammy hands, the reality of what was about to happen hit her. they stepped out of the taxi together and her legs felt like nothing but jello.

currently, they were standing right in front of the wheeler's residence and this would be the first time she met his family in real life. the thought alone made her stomach crunch.

what if they won't like her when they see her? what if she does something stupid and they think she's unworthy of mike? what if she leaves a bad impression behind?

she really, really wanted his family to like her. even though she kept in touch with nancy and holly for a while, the thought that they may not like her in person scared her.

"you have no reason to be." he cut her thoughts off and softly intertwined their fingers. with his free hand, he tilted her head up to place a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose. "they adore you."

she huffed her cheeks. "yeah but.. but.. i'm nervous!"

he let a little laugh out before hugging her close to his chest. he snuggled his cheek on the top of her head. "baby, i promise you, there's nothing to be nervous about."

the feeling of him holding her in his embrace made her slightly relax. she wanted to relish into that moment just for a little longer and pushed herself closer towards him, "wouldn't you be nervous to meet my dad?"

he huffed, "yeah but that's different. your dad's a cop and you said he could put me to jail if he wanted to."

she pressed her lips together, looking up at him while being completely smushed against him. "that was before you were my boyfriend."

"so, i'm safe now?"

she winced, "no, probably more in danger."

"fuck." he threw his head back in exasperation.

"i'm joking, i swear." her melodic laugh mingled in the air before she placed a kiss on his chest, "he's gonna love you. i promise."

"fine." he nodded, tilting her head up again to make her look into his eyes. "then believe me when i say that there's nothing to be nervous about right now, okay?"

she let a breath out and nodded her head, "okay.."

he gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he walked with her towards the house. her nerves were getting more and more prominent with each step they took and once they stood in front of the door, she felt like throwing up.

he noticed how stiff she was and tried to reassure her by squeezing her hand one more time. at the same time, he raised his other hand to ring the bell.

loud footsteps were instantly heard and el thought she was about to faint right before nancy opened the door. her piercing blue eyes instantly fell upon el and lightened up at the sight of her. el didn't even get the chance to study her features closely before nancy welcomed el into a heartfelt hug.

and just like that, all the nervousness from before seemed to have vanished -- all doubts and fears were replaced with relief and happiness as she was coddled in nancy's arms.

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