Chapter 10

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      "Хватай их" (Get them.)

     I could practically feel my heart pounding against my chest. I immediately tightened my hold on my bag and started running back to the door at the end of the library. I could hear loud footsteps behind me, I was never a fast runner. Soon enough, my foot hit the bottom of the regal bookshelves. I could hear one set of paws hitting the floor and out the door. I tried to lift myself up off of the ground when a foot slammed my head against the hard wood. I could hear the crack of my nose and soon enough blood running down my face and onto the ground. "Freeze." A loud, heavily accented voice commanded.

      I wish I never came to this place, I've been here what? Two, maybe three hours. Tears now mixed with my blood on my face and onto the ground. I looked up to see two men, both with huge muscles and a large build. One with a scar over his eye and the other with handsome with an unsure emotion running through his face. "We don't even know who she is. She could be a maid for all we know." He stated with an accent not as thick as the other.


    "Well we can't just leave her here alive." The other said taking a metal gun out of his pocket.

      The nicer one grunted as the other pointed the gun at my head. Seconds later I heard several footsteps approaching the library. I was praying in my head that it was any of the boys coming to help me. Milliseconds later I heard a loud shot echo out the room, looking around I saw no one in the room. Soon after I felt a sharp pain on my hip, following with a warm liquid running over it. A waited a few minutes to see the nice man punching the mean one to the ground, and running over to me. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I tried to stop him. I never wanted to hurt you."

      Seconds later I felt my vision start to fade, and my eyes closing.

      HADES POV:

      I walked out of my room to go see Persephone, I figured she was probably reading with those horrid dogs. I walked two doors to my left to the room I left her in, I knocked on the door softly and slowly twisted the nob open. I looked around the room to see Persephone no where in sight. The dogs weren't there either. I walked back out of the room and to the kitchen where I heard voices, I walked in and everyone silenced. "Where's Persephone?" I asked slightly on edge.

      "Is she not in her room?" Marcello asked turning his attention to me.

      I shook my head towards them. Soon enough I heard a whine come from the door, it stood Roxie stomping her paws. "Somethings wrong." Angelo stated.

      "Well no fucking shit." Santino growled.

      Seconds after we heard shots ring out upstairs. Roxie started walking upstairs with us following behind. We all grabbed our guns and followed the gunshot that rang out from the large set of doors in front of us. I kicked the doors open and walked in, everyone followed behind as I followed the gun shot. I just prayed that Persephone was safe and out of reach from whoever was in here. As I went through the halls of the library, I passed several guards laying on the ground lifelessly. As I approached the scene my heart nearly stopped. Persephone was laying in the floor with blood seeping through her cloths. I pointed my gun at the man who was putting pressure on her wound.

      "Mason? Is that you?" Marcello asked.

      The man turned to him with a panicked look. "He was aiming for her head, I pushed him out of the way. It still went into her hip, she fell unconscious minutes ago due to blood-loss."

      Rocco quickly ran towards her body and slightly ripped open her dress to see her wound. My mind was swirling the worst possible ideas in my head. What if she lost too much blood? "We need to take her to the clinic, she needs surgery. The bullet most likely fractured her pelvis. She also has a broken nose."

      Alfonso and Armando both patted the Mason guy on his back as he looked like he looked extremely frustrated with himself.  I walked up to my twins body and gently picked her up, I knew it was a bad idea coming here. We all made our way to the hospital silently and quickly. We ran into the hospital where doctors and nurses looked at their shoes in fear. Marcello and the boys started shouting orders at them. Rocco took Persephone and a few other doctors to the operating room, as the rest of us walked to a private waiting room, where I would soon start my rampage of anger.

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Dogs or cats? I preferably like dogs

Favorite school subject? It's correct as long as it's not math

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