Chapter 1

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I was with Kate and I was helping her with her book.

Tom came in after his run with a white t shirt and sweat dripping off him before flopping on to the armchair.

"Nice run?" Kate asks.

"Ya great" he replies with a huff.

"Do you need a paramedic?" I ask and he chuckles.

"When are you shipping this off?" He asked referring to the book.

"I'm sending it to Diane today. Look new clean cover no Peanut butter stains."

"Yet" I cut in.

Tom then started messing with kids and the mattress. I wasn't really paying attention I was staring out the window day dreaming about the on and only Jake Baker.


I could hear Sarah pounding on the bathroom door. I was down stairs with Jake and a few others.

"Dude. 2 words. New skates." Jake asked is mom.

"Dude. 3 words. Paper route." She retaliated.

Then the one and the only Lorraine Baker walked in.

"Since I am the only one in this family who cares about their appearance I should be allotted 5 extra minutes in front of the mirror" she complained.

"3" Tom said.

"Done" she agreed.

"Great now go help your sister butter the toast" he gestured towards Sarah.

"Sarah, your expulsion from lacrosse for excessive force has been lifted. Henry you have band practice. I cleaned your clarinet don't play it with food in your mouth. Kim and Jessica your teacher has requested that you stop correcting her in class. Kyle and Nigel have a dentist appointment you are going to work with your father" Kate explained.

Wow if had this many kids I don't think i would manage.

"Christmas card photo shoot is at 4. Don't be late" Tom wanted everyone.

"When is Nora coming?" Kate asked.

"Nora won't make it."

"She never comes since she started dating that doorknob" I whispered to Jake who laughed but I think Tom heard us.

"He's not a doorknob Lucy."

"He irons his jeans" Jake retorted.

"Um ok yeah" Kate agreed.

"I'll just have to photoshop her in."

Then everyone wanted to be photoshopped in and Kate asked for an extra ten pounds photo shipped off. I laughed at that one.

"The only one being shopped in is Nora. Be here by 4 no less no later."

We were all sitting around the table ready to eat when I saw Beans on the lamp above us and I saw Mark trying to grab it.

"Mark No" I yelled but it was too late.

Beans jumped and splattered egg everywhere.

Jake grabbed my hand and we hit under the table. Oh the butterflies.

I could hear Tom and Kate shouting then Tom told Mark to put the frog in his cage.

When Jake and I looked back over the edge of the table, I saw Mark leaving with the frog.

"Nice work FedEx" Sarah said.

After we cleaned up and everything we were all off to school.

I didn't really have any friends at school besides Jake's friends. They were all really nice to me and would show me tricks on my skate board.

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