7)The Team

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Amilya, despite everything that happened last night, woke up early. She looked over at sleeping Daphne, her golden blonde hair ratted up. Amy hoped the girl didn’t wake, not wanting to be confronted about what Thomas told Amy last night. She quickly pulled on her robes, glad that she only had one class that day, and hurried out of her dormitory.

     She didn’t spot Thomas—or anybody at all—in the Slytherin common room, so she left the common room and made her way to the Great Hall.

     She strolled in the empty corridor, hearing the faint sound of chirping birds outside the stained glass windows. It was peaceful, walking alone in the corridor. No one to judge her every step just because of something that happened when she was a baby.

     "When do we tell them?" Amy barely heard a voice from one of the classrooms nearby. She crept toward the source of the voice.

     "Be patient, Filius," Aunt Minnie's familiar voice sounded in Amy's ears. She found the classroom they were in and listened in, "He says it's not time for them to know yet."

     "But they need to know about—" Amy accidentally pushed on the creaky door as Uncle Fillie spoke. Both professors turned to look at her, Uncle Fillie looking surprised, Aunt Minnie looking disappointed.

     "What are you doing, Amilya?" Aunt Minnie said as Amy cursed silently.

     "Just wondering what secret you're keeping from Harry and I," Amy replied casually, "since all of you are pretty good at that."

     "What makes you think we're talking about you and Harry?" Aunt Minnie asked.

     "Well, you said they," now Amy wasn't so sure about her accusation, "usually that means two or more people. Of course, there's exceptions, but—"

     "We were talking about multiple people," Aunt Minnie interrupted Amy to make sure she didn't get sidetracked, "but did we ever mention your names?"

    "Well—no," Amy sighed, "sorry, I was wrong. I'll leave you two alone." Amy left the classroom, pulling on her plait, feeling embarrassed.

     She headed to the Great Hall, hoping to find one of her friends there to help her forget about her confrontation with Aunt Minnie. When she entered the large room, her eyes scanned the room for her brother, Thomas, Ron, maybe even bossy Hermione Granger.

     Instead, her eyes rested on a Slytherin girl with blonde hair. Amy recognised her and made her way over to her.

     Amy didn't see Charlotte very often; she only saw her in class and once in a while in the common room. After their awkward encounter after Amy's sorting, Charlotte Aban seemed to disappear from her mind.

     Amy smiled and took a seat next to the girl. "Hi, Charlotte."

     Charlotte's icy blue eyes widened. "Sorry, I'm done eating. See you later." She quickly got up, picking up a plate with food not even half finished and took off.

      Amy felt surprised and a bit hurt by Charlotte's behaviour towards her. They seemed to get along in Diagon Alley, but the minute they met each other again, Amy was some kind dangerous monster.

     "Hey, Amilya!" A voice called. Amy turned to see Daphne calling to her, Pansy and Millicent trailing behind her. Amy smiled and waved as the group of girls made their way over to her, taking seats on either side of her.

     "Hello," Amy said, hoping to have a normal conversation and not the conversation Daphne wanted to have. "How are you all this morning?"

     "Alright. Have you asked Thomas?" Daphne asked quickly. So much for that wish for a normal conversation.

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