9)The Quidditch Match

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The morning of the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Harry and Amy walked on the grounds. It was cold and both were bundled up in thick coats. "So, cabbing is excessive use of elbows, right?" Harry asked. He had been studying Quidditch Through the Ages up until Snape had taken his book.

"Cobbing, but close enough," Amy replied, "as long as you try to stay away from other players, you probably won't foul. Also, as you know—"

"Seekers don't really foul."

"Exactly. Now I will have to worry about fouling and penalties since I'm Chaser."

Harry shivered. "Okay, so a Transylvanian Punch—"

"Transylvanian Tackle."

"Right, a Transylvanian Tackle is when you fake punching someone in the face."

She nodded. "But they usually don't work out—"

"Because they actually punch," they both said together, then laughed

"Good strategy—" Amy began.

"Horrible execution," Harry finished and they both laughed again, "I think, now that we've met, our twin instincts are kicking in."

"Hopefully we don't finish each other's sentences too often," she said, "people might be weirded out."

"Fred and George do it all the time and no one says anything about that," he said.

"Well, if we speak in unison, people might think we're spewing out some prophecy or something," she said.

"It could be fun to prank people, though,"

She took a look at the sky. "It's probably nine, so we should go inside and eat. Race you!"

Both of them took off and ran into the castle. "I won!" Amy said, touching her now messy braid.

"I hate running," Harry said, collapsing dramatically to the ground.

"Me too, drama queen," she laughed as she reached out her hands and helped him back up, "but I wanted to beat you twice today."

Harry paused as he thought about what his sister said. "Ha ha, you wish." He smiled.

"Let's go eat breakfast, yeah?" They headed in the direction of the Great Hall. "Maybe you should ask Snape for Quidditch Through the Ages."

"I did ask to get the book back from Snape last night, but he didn't give it back," Harry said.


"And also, he tried to get past the three headed dog!"

"What?" Amy stopped and turned to face him quickly. "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded. "His leg is all bloody. Filch was helping him put bandages on."

"That's why he's limping," she said, "but I don't really think he was trying to get past the dog."

"Then what do you think he was doing?"

"I've known Snape my whole life," she explained, "he may be mean and really hate us, but he would never do anything like that. I think he was trying to stop someone."

They arrived at the doors. "Are you sure about that?"

"More sure than Snape trying to get past the dog." Amy opened one of the doors and Harry stepped through. She followed after him as they made it to the Gryffindor table.

Amy started eating as Thomas turned to Harry. "As you know, I'm a Beater. So today, on the field, if I happen to hit a Bludger at you, don't take it too personally."

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