1)Diagon Alley

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Amilya Potter plaited her tangly, red hair as she heard a knock at the front door. She shook with excitement, messing up a bit at the end of her plait.

She ran down the stairs, skipping three at a time to meet in the main room.

"Don't be dangerous, Amy." A stern voice said from the sofa.

"Sorry, Aunt Minnie." Amy took a quick look at Uncle Albus, and slipped onto a chair in the corner, next to the fireplace.

Amy waited for Uncle Albus to get on with telling her what she was waiting to hear for only slightly less than four years. "Are you going to tell me yet?"

"Be patient, Amilya! Severus is coming too." Aunt Minnie snapped.

"I only wish he would hurry himself up. I've waited years!" Amy folded her arms across her chest.

"Patience. He will arrive soon." Uncle Albus said calmly.

Amy nearly jumped out of her chair when a knock came at the door. "Come in Severus."

Uncle Severus came in, wearing all black, as always. He sat on the sofa opposite Aunt Minnie and Uncle Albus. "Hello, Amilya."

"Took you long enough. Can you start now?" Amy looked desperately at Uncle Albus.

"Fine. We may begin." Uncle Albus chuckled. "Where did you get that scar, Amy?"

"A crazy Kneazle at Uncle Fillie's house-"

"That's what we've told you. But this is not the real case. You are Amilya Potter, one of the Twins Who Lived."

Amy ruffled her hair, an eyebrow raised. "I thought her name was Amelia, A-M-E-L-I-A, not the way you spell my name."

Uncle Albus gave another chuckle. "The books tend to spell your name wrong."

"Where's my twin brother? The books say I have one and I haven't even met this brother of mine." She crossed her arms.

"Amy, you were the one that asked for an explanation. Don't have an attitude!" Aunt Minnie scolded.

"Sorry. But imagine being lied to for eleven years."

"Ten years, actually," Uncle Albus said, "we took you in when you were about one. Two days after that horrible Halloween day."

They were silent for a moment. "So, my parents really are dead?"

"Yes. James and Lily were brave and loving until the very end." Aunt Minnie said.

Uncle Sev, as usual, sneered at everyone. He was silent, which was somewhat eerie since he was always getting after Amy.

"The reason we are telling you now," Uncle Albus continued, "is because, when you hop on the Hogwarts Express, you will find your brother and tell him everything. It's only natural for a twin to explain to the other twin about their existence."

"But how will I know what he looks like? I mean, they don't show pictures in the books and I've never met him before." Amy started playing with her hair.

"He has black hair and emerald green eyes. The colour your eyes look sometimes. He also has the famous scar on his forehead."

"And he probably walks around with arrogance, just like his father." Uncle Sev mumbled.

"Don't talk about my brother like that!" Amy snapped at her uncle. "Or my father!"

Aunt Minnie gave Uncle Sev a disapproving look before giving the same look to her.

"You'll be going in a few days, so you should pack." Uncle Albus suggested.

"And practice some Quidditch." She added. "And Aunt Minnie, why can't I join the Quidditch team?"

Amilya Potter and the Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now