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I had to carry Zayn inside. It was difficult, and I felt like a mother doing so, but I managed to get him into the spare room and he slept there for the night. I woke up around 10am and walked downstairs to find Zayn sat on the couch, curled up under a blanket. He was crying, soft, short sobs. It was at that moment my heart shattered. I sat on the sofa next to him, and he put his head on my lap. We sat like that for a good hour or so, until he stopped crying. We talked about it.

"Lucie?" he whispered.

"What's up, Zayn?" I replied softly.

"Look, it's not just my parents" he said in a rushed manner.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"Look, I just broke up with my girlfriend. She cheated on me, she talked about me. She ruined me, I'm broken and confused. I just need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on" he collapsed in tears on my lap. I stroked his hair as he cried, saying "shh" to try and calm him every so often. I felt so happy that he'd decided to trust me. I'd talked to him for about 3 hours yesterday, and every day for a month when we were 15. I never knew just how much Zayn would mean to me. 

As I sit here, I suddenly remember all the times we had together. Every day, we'd go out to the park and sit under the tree and just talk. I remember the time when we sat there one summer evening, on picnic blankets, gazing at the stars. And the time he came to my house and he painted my nails. Lord forgive me for forgetting, but Zayn was my first kiss. It was magical. It was at a concert we'd gone to at school for a poor girl that died. I remember a slow song came on, and he put his hands around my waist, and I put mine around his neck. We slow danced and he pulled me in. We kissed. I'll never forget it. 

Zayn snapped me out of my daydream. "Cuppa tea, Luce?" he smiled at me, clearly having forgotten his ex now. I smiled and nodded as he went into the kitchen. We drank tea and watched Jeremy Kyle because it makes me laugh. What happened next, though, surprised me. My phone buzzed and I checked it. It was a text from an unknown number. "I know where you are, and trust me, I'm coming to get you back. You can't run from me now, princess. Time's ticking."

I knew who it was. I threw my phone and screamed. Zayn looked at me in horror. "Lucie? What's wrong?" he stammered as I sat on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I was too scared to speak. I knew I wasn't safe. I sank further down, putting my head on my lap. Slowly and shakily, I started screaming. I couldn't stop myself. Not even Zayn could calm me down. He cradled me in his arms, murmuring into my hair that everything was going to be okay. I suddenly pulled my head out of my lap, and my eyes met Zayn's. My eyes were filled with fear and tears as I whispered "You have to help me. Please. I'm not safe". He looked at me with the strongest sense of sincerity I've ever seen. "I'll look after you. I promise. You'll be safe when you're with me." he replied, his voice laced with determination.

I smiled through my tears and snuggled into his chest, loving the scent that followed. A strong scent of aftershave and Lynx. And the further I snuggled into his chest, the more I believed him. I was safe, but I was confused.

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