Sheer Terror.

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My heart made its way to my throat. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. It was my deepest, darkest fear. My past. Everything I didn't want, or need. He stood there, smirking. All of me shrunk into a ball of fear, waiting the abuse that was to come. I wasn't ready.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me in?" he chuckled.

"No. Get out, go away, I don't need you" I spat at him.

He just laughed more and replied "Oh but you do."

It was at this point that Zayn appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Who is this, babe?" he asked, with a smug look on his face.

"Oh, it really doesn't matter, he was just leaving..." I began, only to get cut off by the world's biggest prick.

"I'm her boyfriend, Fletcher, who are you?" he challenged Zayn, looking at me with disgust.

"Lucie, is this true? Is this your boyfriend?" Zayn asked, looking hurt.

"Zayn, this is my EX boyfriend Fletcher and he was just leaving. You're my boyfriend Zayn, not this abusive psycho" I replied.

"No, I'm not leaving without you" he yelled, slapping me in the face.

I reeled backward, hitting my head off the bannister. I heard Zayn screaming my name, begging me to wake up, but then I blacked out. That was all I could remember. When I came around again, I was laying on the floor in the bedroom that I now shared with Zayn, tied up back to back with him. I tried to scream but I had a gag in my mouth. I leaned my head onto Zayn's shoulder, whimpering slightly as I had a sharp pain in my neck. He began to say "Shh" but I could hear the immense fear in his voice. I heard footsteps and began to panic. I felt physically sick to my stomach. My nightmares were coming true.

Fletcher kneeled down in front of me. He looked me in the eye and took the gag out of my mouth and smiled evilly. 

"Now, you'll do what I want or pretty boy gets it. Understand?" he spits out

I couldn't let anything happen to Zayn, so reluctantly I nodded. I felt Zayn begin to cry behind me, but I grabbed his hand and rubbed it to let him know that I was there and to provide comfort, if any. I tried looking at Zayn, but Fletcher grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. 

"Don't look at him," he growled "you only look at me"

I gulped and apolgised slowly. I can act really well, so I pretended to fall for him again. It was my only way out. I nudged Zayn to let him know that I was only acting. I felt him nod behind me and I knew it was time to get to work. I tried flattery.

"You know, you have really gorgeous eyes, Fletch" I smirked at him, batting my eyelashes

It seemed to be working as he said "You too, Lucie, and I've missed them for a while" 

I looked at him and smiled nicely "Did you miss these lips too, baby?"

His pupils widened, and he advanced towards me. This had to work, or I was screwed. He got closer and closer, until he was nearly on my lips. I jerked my head forward, headbutting him in the temple. He fell backwards and I got off my knees and kicked him as hard as I could in the head. He groaned in pain and then I think he passed out. I quickly stood up, dragging Zayn up with me. We managed to saw the rope off with the side of my bedroom cabinet. I got the biggest bag I could find, shoved all my clothes in there and all of Zayn's. We packed a few general belongings, some dog food, blankets, pillows, anything we could. We grabbed Dylan, his cushion and a teddy for him and crammed all the stuff in the car. We were so scared we finished packing in 2 minutes. I locked all the doors to my home, got in the car and drove. I didn't know where we were heading, but I called the police. 

"I need to report domestic violence, you need to get there as soon as possible. Feel free to break down the doors, they're locked. The man who did it is inside, he's my ex boyfriend. I can come back for evidence if you need it and so can my boyfriend. Thankyou." I gave them the address and hung up. This was it. We were on the run, and I knew exactly where to. Megan's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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