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This is the story of the Son of the Rito Champion. 

The story of lovers pulled apart by the world.

The story of the Calamity and how it ended.

Some people say it's but a legend.

But I can say with certainty, it is very real.

This is my story. 

But you'll find out who I am through the story. 

So, let's get started. 

It starts with a different story.

It tells of a princess with a sacred power and her knight with the sword to seal away the darkness. There were also ancient machines made by hand, four of them known as the Divine Beasts with four leaders controlling them. They are know as the Champions with the knight. Then there were thousands of other ancient machines known as Guardians to help the knight and the princess. Everything was set to defeat Ganon.

But the princess could not awaken her sacred power. She tried everything she could but nothing. On her seventeen birthday, she and her knight went to the spring of wisdom to see if she could awaken her power. It was her last chance. The other four Champions waited at the bottom of the mountain for the princess and the knight. When the knight and the princess returned, they delivered the bad news. It still had not awakened. They started to think of different options for the princess to awaken her power.

But then...

Calamity Ganon awakened at Hyrule Castle.

Calamity Ganon used his power to take control of the Guardians and the Divine Beasts. The Champions, the knight, and the princess watched as their plan started to crumble.

They rushed to Hyrule Castle to try and save as many people as they could. A Guardian was about to blast the princess, but the knight took the blow. In distress, she cried and screamed for the knight to be okay. There, her power awakened with a flash of light, causing the Guardian and the ones around the Champions collapsed. 

The Champions rushed over to the princess and noticed the collapsed knight now being held in the princess's arms. She then ordered the Champions to take the knight to a place called The Shrine of Resurrection. She also told the Champions that she will deal with Ganon, alone, and for all of them to be with their clans to protect them. They must stay separated until the knight woke up. 

The Champions obeyed her order, no matter how much it hurt them inside. This meant they had to say goodbye to the princess and each other. But for one, it hurt so much more.

"Revali!" The Rito Champion's wife exclaimed as the Rito Champion came home after all that has happened. She went over and hugged the Champion. She was a little shorter than him, had pale skin, dark brown hair with the same dark brown eyes. She also had on a nightgown on as it was nighttime and a red scarf around her neck. It was a very special scarf that her mother gave her before she passed when Holly was a child.

"Hello, my dear Holly." Revali said, rather quietly, as he hugged his wife back. 

"I was so worried! Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" Holly exclaimed.

"Well...yes and no." Revali said.

"That's not a good answer."

"Holly, dear, we need to talk. I'm not hurt cause no one can touch me while I'm in the air, but something happened today..."

Holly was about to say something when their son started crying. Revali and Holly ran to their son who was in the bassinet in the living room which was like 3 feet away. They looked down to the little baby who was crying and then Holly then picked him up. She tried to calm him down but he kept crying.

The Story of Kaze. Son of the Rito Champion.Where stories live. Discover now