The Past

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The sky, so pure, so peaceful. I would love to join the sky being so weightless, as if nothing matters. I walked towards the edge of the roof saying my last words, "Goodbye world." 

"W-wait! Don't jump!" I hear a voice say.

"Why not? I need to be free."

"What are you talking about!? Talk to me! Please!" Tears start pouring down the tall boy's face.

I walk towards him hesitantly as I respond, "M-my name is Denki Kaminari, my quirk is electricity."

"I'm Ejiro Kirishima, my quirk is hardening. Why were you going to j-jump?"

"I don't fit in here, I-I'm g-gay, everyone h-hates me, and I'm s-stupid, and w-worthless, even my parents hate me." I said with tears forming.

"W-What if we save each other, and b-become friends?"

"That sounds nice, what about you, what happened to you? You want to be saved as well."

"My quirk is weak, I can never become a hero, I'm also useless."

"Your quirk seems so cool though! You can harden your body, it's better than lots!"

"Whenever I use my quirk I short out, and become an idiot."

"R-really? Thank you Denki! You're pretty manly bro."

"Thanks, you too." I said with a chuckle.

We are now inseparable, and we train together a lot too. Kiri has become a lot stronger, and I have too! I still short out sometimes, but not as much, and it's getting better.

"You ready Kami? This will be our best yet! We will prove everyone wrong and make it to UA!"

"Yeah dude, this will be great."

"We have 10 months to train as much as we can before the entrance exams."

"I know Kiri, this is going to be exciting."

These 10 months were the best 10 months of my life. It was very tiring, but I got to hang out with my best friend, and we've gotten a lot stronger and gained better control over our quirks.

The entrance exams are in 3 days, but I still can't help but wonder what would've happened if I'd jumped that day, if Kiri hadn't saved me.

"Yo dude, you okay? We don't have to dye my hair today, we can always do it later, what's up?" Kiri told me with a calming smile.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking of the day we met, what would've happened if you didn't save me." I mumbled.

"Let's dye your hair! It will get my mind off this, and I think red would look so dope on you my dude."

We finally finished dying Kiri's hair, and he looks amazing! The red really does suit him and really compliments his eyes, Crimson Riot is definitely the best idol for my best friend.

"Now we are ready for the entrance exams for sure!" I said excitedly.

"For sure Kamibro! We are definitely getting into UA and we will be great heroes!"

The day of the entrance exams I ran to Kiri's house and we ran to the exam. We might be early, but it gives us time to prepare for whatever we are faced with.

Hope you all enjoy the story! I'm going to try and get the second chapter in by tomorrow!

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