Darkest Little Paradise Pt. 1

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"Amelia, we can't afford that," The principal ran a frustrated hand through his blonde hair, facing his secretary. "The school district isn't giving us another fund. With Ms. Foster on maternity leave I don't see how we can hire a long-term substitute as well as hold the school festival, and on top of that the light's in the art room are malfunctioning, so we need to get the tech guys in and see what's going on in there. We just don't have the money."

Amelia tapped her pencil on the office table, deep in thought. "Are you sure we can't ask the superintendent for a small loan for the festival? I'm sure we could earn it back with the fundraiser."

Joe shook his head, "He wouldn't trust us enough."

Amelia sighed, "Okay, let's start small. For the long-term substitute, how long do we need them for?"

"Four months," Joe said, glancing at his calendar for confirmation.

"I might have an idea," Amelia perked up. "I think I know someone who might be willing."

"It's not a matter of finding someone, it's a matter of being able to pay someone," Joe leaned back in his chair, emitting a low creak.

"That shouldn't be a problem," Amelia said confidently, "She'd probably do it for just about free."

Joe perked up at the word 'free'. "Who are they?"

"A friend of a friend. We aren't very close, but I could ask her," Amelia explained. "They come from a wealthy family, but she loves teaching. Usually they just substitute here and there, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

Joe furrowed his eyebrows, "Why doesn't she just have a steady teaching job?"

Amelia shrugged, "She likes to switch it up every once and a while."

"You really think she'd be willing?" Joe asked, it almost sounded too good to be true.

Amelia nodded in confirmation, "Yup. I'll get in touch with her."

Joe let out a sigh of relief. At least that's one thing off the list. "Thanks," Joe gave her a grateful smile, "You're the best." Amelia blushed, looking down at the mahogany on her desk.

"She's here for the interview," Amelia poked her brown head of hair in.

Joe looked up from his papers, "You can send her in."

Amelia nodded, ducking out. A few moments later a woman stepped in. Her blonde hair was tied into a messy knot, and she adorned an oversized cardigan and simply skinny jeans. Far from the luxurious, fur coats and jewelry he had been picturing. Still, she was attractive.

"Hi," She said awkwardly, looking around the room as if she didn't know where to stand. "I'm Taylor."

"Hi," Joe said, "You can take a seat." Taylor waddled over to the seats, deciding between the two small chairs that sat in front of his desk. "Either one works," Joe said after a moment, "They're the same."

Taylor blushed sheepishly, taking a seat on the right. "Taylor Swift, correct?" Joe asked, shuffling his file and setting it to the side.

Taylor nodded, "Yeah."

"Nice to meet you," Joe said, extending his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Joe Alwyn."

Taylor shook his hand, giving another polite nod. He didn't look like what she had imagined either. She expected a messy old man with financial problems, not a handsome 20-something-year-old in a suit. He looked like the type that PTA moms would fawn over."You're American," Joe noted.

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