Worship This Love

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Taylor let tears fall down her face onto her pillow. In her hand was her phone, and on it was the picture of Joe that she couldn't stop looking at. She didn't know why this particular photo set her off, but the emotions had been building up and this picture threw her over the edge.

It was simply Joe at a party with his co-stars, laughing and having fun. Meanwhile Taylor was in New York on the reputation Stadium Tour. It was new to both Taylor and Joe having to be apart from each other this long, for when Taylor and Joe first started dating Taylor was on a break, and could spend most of her time with him, minus the time she spent recording songs.

Now she rarely saw him, and no amount of Facetime calls can make up for physical kisses and hugs. Taylor glanced down at the picture again, he was having so much fun, and she wasn't even there. Taylor thought back to the beginning of the relationship...



"Leave. I'm sorry but you have to leave. You don't understand how crazy it gets, and when that happens you're going to want to leave anyway." Taylor leaned over the counter, tears streaming down her face.

"Taylor nothing can separate us, not distance, not media, not anything." Joe slowly approached her, making sure not to trigger any panic attack.

"No they will! You can't say that! You don't know!" Taylor shouted at him. "You'll leave me and it's easier if I just leave you!" Taylor sobbed.

Joe had now reached her spot next to the counter, and brought her in for a hug. "I'm not going to leave you like this Taylor. I understand where you're coming from, but I think you need to calm down and think about this a little more."

"I AM CALM. So shut up and leave!" Taylor banged her fists against his chest. "Let go of me!"

Joe kept his grip on her, slowly rubbing her back, "Babe, please-"

"Don't 'babe' me! I just want you to leave, I just..." Taylor collapsed into his arms, giving into his hug.

"We're going to be okay, Tay, we're going to be okay." Joe whispered into her ear, combing his fingers through her hair.

Taylor wrapped her arms around him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stay, I'm sorry," Taylor was still crying.

"Shhh, it's alright." Joe placed a kiss on her forehead.

Taylor's breathing evened out, "You won't leave, right?"

"I will never leave you. Like I said, media, distance or any other factor can't weaken our relationship. But it has to come from two ends and you have to believe that it won't either." Joe led her back down to the couch.

"It won't."

End of Flashback


But it was. Because now Taylor was lying in bed, wanting to break up with him because of distance. She wanted to call him and tell him it was over, that she couldn't do this anymore. It was terrible breaking up with him, but it was living hell being away from him too.

Why did she think this was going to work? They were so lost in each other, that they were led by blind faith, and Taylor had to stop it. She took a deep breath, telling herself that it would be good for Joe too, if Taylor broke up with him. She was holding by the reins, not letting him have any true fun at parties anymore, because he was with her.

Taylor nodded to herself, this is best for him too.

Joe meanwhile was boarding a plane for New York, ready to surprise Taylor at her Met Life show. He had texted Andrea, and she said that she could get him into the show without Taylor noticing. Now, sitting on the plane, he couldn't help but grin at how excited he was to see Taylor preform again.

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