Too Late Pt. 1

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"Mum are we going to Daddy's house today?" Ella asked, staring up at her Mum.

"Yeah, we're going to leave later this afternoon," Taylor said, kissing the top of Ella's head.

It had been four months since Taylor and Joe divorced. There was no big fight, no disagreement, they just... fell out of love. They were distant, and no matter how much they tried to fix it, they couldn't. So they let go of each other.

Taylor missed him. A lot. But she told herself she didn't miss him, she just missed the feeling of another person next to her in bed. The feeling of comfort as someone took you in their arms. The sparks that came every time they kissed. Just being with someone.

Ella smiled, "Okay!"

Ella was four years old. Before everything happened, back when they were a happy, normal couple, they were planning on having another baby. Obviously, that didn't happen.

"Can we go to the coffee shop before Daddy's house?" Ella asked.

Taylor glanced out the window, seeing the sea of paparazzi. "Okay, but there are cameramen, okay?"

"Okay! Can I wear my boots?" Ella asked excitedly, unphased by the mention of paparazzi.

Taylor smiled, "Sure."

Ella grinned, running over to put on her boots. Once she was done they walked to the front door, and Taylor picked Ella up. "Let's be quick."

Taylor instinctively reached for Joe's hand, just to remember it wasn't there. Biting her lip, she opened the door, quickly walking past the loud shouts.





Taylor hastily got in the car, strapping Ella into her car seat. "Why were they all saying daddy's name?"

"It's nothing," Taylor said, rubbing Ella's knee.

Ella accepted that answer, just wanting to go to the coffee shop. Once they got there Taylor brought Ella inside, thankful that the paparazzi didn't follow them here. "What do you want to order?" Taylor asked.

"Hot chocolate! Because it's cold outside!" Ella said.

"Alright then," Taylor said, walking up to the cashier. "Hi! Could I please have one tall hot chocolate, and a grande latte?"

"Sure," The cashier, a 17-year-old boy said. "That'll be £9.99"

Taylor pulled out her wallet, and when she handed him the credit card there was an odd look on his face. "Hey are you by chance Taylor... Swift?" He said carefully.

Taylor gave him a small smile, "Yeah, but I would really appreciate if you didn't tell anyone I was here."

The boy nodded, "I won't."

Taylor nodded, and he swiped the card for her. "It'll be right up," The cashier said.

Taylor said a quick thanks, before walking to sit down with Ella. Ella sat down in a seat, "How long will I be at daddy's for?"

"Until Thursday," Taylor said.

Ella nodded, "I need to show him my new lego set! He said he'd help me build it."

Taylor couldn't help but smile. Ella had always been a daddy's girl, and she and Joe were so alike. After getting their drinks and talking for a while longer, they got in the car to head to Joe's house. It was snowing in London, and the leaves had all fallen off the trees. Ella got out of the car, bounding through the snow.

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