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Gun's POV

I woke up on my bed I thought I was still sleeping on my desk It's still night I decided to set an alarm so that off can wake up early I don't want to do this but since he was there to save me and his friend I'll help him but just this one.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I heard the alarm clock and later on someone turned it off I know it was off he didn't move and I got confused Is he looking at me or?. I moved a bit and that's where I found out my legs was on top of his cock so I decided not to move since I don't want him to caught me already awake.

He slowly moved my legs and got up I heard the door opened and heard mom's voice she said to off to get out now so that his dad won't worry on him.

Minutes had pass he was now outside with my mom and dad they got off a cab to send him home. I got up and looked at the window to see if off already got inside the cab I pushed the curtain away and saw him looking at me. What am I hearing? It beats so loud I got an eye to eye contact with him not until mom tapped him to got now inside the cab he just gave me a smile. Tskk I won't fall on that smile of yours.

I decided to go on a shower and change now into my school uniform but then I remember what he said last night and think of doing some assignment for him. 

"Gun! go down here it's almost time for your first class where are you?" Mae godji shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm going down Mae I have to finish my assignment" I lied. Actually I already finish mine last night I just have to do this.

"Fine make it fast okay your dad will be late too if you wont go down here sooner"

Okay I'm done I just have to print this. Minutes had pass it's all done so I got down and eat with them the kitchen was quite you can only hear a spoon and fork being tapped on the plate.

"Gun?I know that off did something bad on you but trust me he's really a good child even thought his mother died he still had a good side trust me he just did it because some one told him to do so" Dad said as if I'm going to trust on what my dad said.

"I don't think so dad let me test him first to prove that he's not that really good" I said and stood up.

"Faster dad It's almost time"

Dad stood up too and gave Mae godji a  kiss on the fore head and I just gave Mae some hug. We got inside the car and drove to the school.

I got inside and walked straight to the hallway as someone bumped on me accidentally and he apologize. He didn't even helped me on the papers that fell on the ground.

I got it one by one but suddenly someone helped me you know who he is. "Let me help you" He said.

"Are you in a good mode that you finally didn't got mad at me just like what you did yesterday?"

"Well about that I'm really sorry"

"By the way get the other paper it's yours" I said He look up on me with a confused look. "Why? this is your assignment" He said and looked at the papers.

"No, I got to make another 1 for you to thank you for helping me last night"

"Oww thank you gun and about last night it's nothing you're in trouble so it's with me if I help or not"

"Okay thank you again off are you alone?"

"Why did you asked?are you going with me at our room?"

"Ah.. I don't know I'm heading there now let's go?"


We are about to go at our classroom when I saw krist walking towards us be it seemed that he didn't saw me at first talking with gun but later on he looked at me and gun.

The Fault Of Blind Date (OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now