~24~Not Ready

314 19 4

Off's POV

Today is the day where we have to go back to school due to our long vacation lucky to us Krist's father let us go back again. After he heard what happened to gun he acted like we didn't had a long vacation instead he explained it carefully to our professor's and now...things suddenly changed.


When I open my eyes in the morning Gun is not in my side anymore and then I decided to take a bath first, the quick one. Then changed to a comfortable clothes for today.

When I got down I saw then at the living room all of them Singto, Krist, Tay, New and lastly my love. They centered gun in them. I hide at the wall while listening to their conversation.

"Gun you know that off loves you so much right? Will you say yes if he'll propose?even though both of your are still in college?" Tay asked while the other 3 waited for him to answer but not even a nod or yes can be heard...he remained quite.

"Gun we know it's so early but...please don't hurt my friend again" Krist tapped his shoulder but still gun didn't answer he's just blinking and listening to their questions without answering it...now I felt more nervous...what if he don't answer me on the day I'll propose to him?.

I didn't know what I did next but I just found myself sitting alone in this rooftop watching the sun rise, how I wish he's here beside me watching this beautiful scene.

Later on I heard the door opened...I saw krist walking towards where I was sitting and then he sits beside me. Birds noise can only be heard after he came. We stayed like that for about a minute until I can't stand the silence between us anymore. "Why are you here?" I asked coldly.

"I know you heard it off... Why didn't you walk towards us and ask him personally about that thing... I know you love gun so much that yourself but there are things are are possible now that it was still early for both of you to get married right?" He said. Yes, he's right...I love gun more than myself that I'll risk my life just for him.

"All I want to heard from him earlier was just yes or what so ever...even nod. But I didn't heard or saw that things when you ask him like that. Now there are many what if inside my head...like what if he don't say yes on the day I'll propose? What if he's not ready? What if he wants a family? But I can't give him one but only my love for him? I'm scared to lost him again krist I can't anymore" I started to sob in mess now I can't stop my tears that was forming at the side of my eyes, they just dropped abruptly.

"I can feel your pain off...but be strong and believe yourself...love him more so that it would be a Yes for sure" Krist said. He just caress my back to calm me down. Later on we decided to go down since breakfast is ready.

"Off where did you go? And what happened to your eyes?" Singto suddenly asked when we got to the long table. I remain silent when krist was the one who answered his...ah..friend?.

"Papii? Are you okay?" This time I was startled when he suddenly back hug me...I don't know why I'm like this but the side of my eyes suddenly heat up again another group of tears went out. I looked at him and hug him tight—now I have the courage to propose on him after this school year...if he'll say yes then it would be good and I'll get the blessings from his family to marry their only son but if it is no...then I don't know what I'll do next.


"Papii school year is almost done are you ready to the last level?" Gun suddenly asked me. We are now inside my car going on our way to school why do I suddenly feel nervous it would be two months before the end of school year that means I'm going to propose on him.

"Y-yes babii I am" I shuttered.

"Why shuttering Papii?"

"Nothing babii I just remember something" I said in a low voice.

"Papii, Krist told me something...about the day where you heard us at the living room talking about the propose thing...I didn't answer it because I'm not ready yet. You know that I have dreams right? Let's finish school first and find a job before we get married"

"But if you love me gun you'll say yes on the day I'll propose and this thing will still be still secret if when will I show you the most gorgeous ring of all to my most cute boyfriend please say yes to me gun"

"But I'm not ready yet I'm sorry"

'Even if you're not ready yet babii... I'll still risk for you I hope you'll say yes I hate it when I receive no to my love'

I didn't utter a word anymore I don't want to hear him saying sorry. Time and destiny be with me on the day I'll propose.


Sorry for the small update...

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