Chapter 39

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well lets fuck shit up and add a twist. 


“Knock knock” Jack knocked on the recording studio door As Airy and Alex sat there moments after there make out session. “Hey dude what’s up” Alex asked Airy giggling at the fact she could feel the vibrations of him talking.

“Nothing much, I have had a lot on my mind lately and I need to talk to Airy alone. If you don’t mind” Jack was a little iffy about everything going through his head. He had stayed somewhat distant from everyone as he fought with himself about it.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows and airy sat up letting Alex get up off the couch. “Everything okay?” Alex asked walking up to Jack. Jack couldn’t even look him straight in the eyes, he had to look away, it made everything so much harder.

Jack only nodded making Alex even more worried. Alex just patted jacks shoulder and walked to the door then climbed the steps. “See ya” He called after and Jack looked back to Airy. Biting the inside of his cheek an awkward silence fell into the room.

“What’s up Jacky?” Airy asked trying to lighten the mood, they had never been the same since ‘that night’ She barely even talked to Jack anymore and she felt guilty about it, she missed Jack, but as a best friend.

Jack walked over to the couch and sat beside Airy looking anywhere but at her. “Jacky?” Airy asked worriedly. Jack sighed. Just get it over with. Do it man! “Look Airy, the doctor called.”  Airy made a confused face.

“Please don’t tell me your pregnant Jack.” She joked around. Jack let off a small laugh. “Don’t worry it’s not that. It’s about something I don’t think he told anyone about.” Jack clasped his hands together and sat them in his lap. He looked down at them.

“He said I had side effects that could ware off” Jack gulped and Airy stayed silent waiting for him to continue. “They were falling in love easily and then it going away” Jack spoke quietly.

Airy sat back in her seat. She didn’t know if she was relieved or sad. It was a mix of both. “Oh” was all she replied with. “I tried to deny it I really did, I didn’t mean for it to just be fake.” Jack pleaded thinking she would hate him and think he did it just to mess with her feelings.

Airy ran a hand through her hair remembering Alex. “Jacky” She pulled him into a side hug taking him by surprise. “Your still my best friend Jacky, you always will be” she smiled and hid her face in his back.

“Oh thank god” Jack let out a sigh of relief and hugged her back tight. “Okay, I need you to come with me” He started. There was no backing out now, she would want to know what the heck was going on and pressure him till he told her.

Airy pulled away a small smile on her lips. “What? Where? Why?” She asked. “I have an announcement and it took me a while to figure it out, but I need everyone to hear this.”  Airy cocked her head to the side. “Big?” Jack nodded and grabbed her hand pulling her off the couch.

No backing out now.

“Can you tell me first?” Airy asked as he pulled her upstairs. “Nope” He replied walking into the kitchen looking for Flyzik. Everyone listened to him and if he told everyone to go to one room they would go.

“But I’m your best friend!” Airy whined. “Correction I am!” Alex butted in grabbing her waist from behind. Jack ignored it and kept walking. Airy pouted elbowing Alex to get off of her but he didn’t budge. He was too busy staring at Jack and Airy’s locked hands.  “Airy’s my best friend that’s a girl” Jack replied.

Jack walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. “Hey I thought I was your best friend that was a girl” Cassadee appeared from the steps with Rian by her side. “Hey Cass!” Jack smiled. “You and Airy are tied” he replied smoothly.

Cass rolled her eyes and smiled when Rian put his arm around her shoulder. “What are you up to” Rian asked seeing Alex staring at Jack and Airy’s locked hands yet his arms were wrapped around her.

“Looking for Flyzik” Jack answered. His stomach tying into knots. Jack turned to walk into the living room and smacked straight into Flyzik himself, bouncing off of him and flying back into Airy who flew into Alex who flew into the wall behind.

Jack shook his head in surprise as Flyzik laughed at him. “What’s up Jacko, heard you were looking for me” Flyzik asked fixing the Mickey Mouse ears that were sat on his head.

Come on Jack, man up, there’s no turning back now, you have Flyzik’s attention and Airy wants to know. Do it man, grow some balls!

“Uh- could you maybe call a band meeting I have a, well I guess you can say important, announcement to make” Jack felt as though he would explode. Who knew telling people this would freak him out so much.

“What is it?” Rian asked. “Yeah man what is it?” Alex joined in. “you’ll find out” Jack turned to look at them. Then looked back to Flyzik who eyed him suspiciously. “Okay, as long as it’s not something dumb” Flyzik walked then walked off shouting at the top of his lungs about the band meeting.

Jack moved into the Living room letting go of Airy’s hand she sat on the couch and Alex sat beside her putting his arm on the couch behind her. Cass and Rian sat down beside them and Jack remained standing bouncing in his spot.

How could he stand still? He was worried about how people would react. It was eating away at his insides. The little nervous butterflies were becoming man eaters. He watched as Vinny came walking into the room looking like he was just rudely woken up followed by Evan who looked high on soda.

Jeff came in from the other entrance that came from the kitchen, he holding a beer in his hand. Flyzik came back followed by Danny, Colussy and Greico. Jack started pacing. “Dude calm down, it can’t be that bad can it?” Alex asked watching his friend. He’d never really seen him like this before.

Jack stopped moving just to look at Alex. Looking him up and down. He swore his friend was like the definition of perfect. He was a little jealous about that. Jack shook his head. Forget about it. Alex bit his lip and watched Airy as she started a conversation with Cassadee.

Alex turned to Flyzik. “When Jack’s done can I have the spot light after him?” Flyzik sighed and nodded his head. Alex poked Airy in the side making her swat at his hand. He poked her again using the other one to pull her hair slightly. She grabbed at both hands and Cassadee giggled at the sight.

“You two are tooooo cute!” Cassadee squealed. Making Airy blush and Alex a little bit. A little bit more hope was put in him. Airy looked at Alex. “Awe honey your blushing.” She laughed and Alex went even more red. She patted his cheek and Alex went in for revenge by kissing her cheek.

“Awe honey your blushing” he smiled as she went even more red. Alex looked out of the corner of his eye quickly then turned his head when he saw jack watching them emotionless. Jack looked away quickly.  Now noticing that the room was filled and everyone was finally here sitting around.

“Alright I had Flyzik all call you down here so I can announce something. I just figured it out and came to the conclusion that I have to just go with it.” Jack didn’t look anyone in the eyes he rubbed the back of his neck, his face going red from all eyes on him.

He took a deep breath the silence of the room cutting through him and making the man eating butterflies in his stomach double up and spaz out like someone gave them Red Bull. He took another deep breath and looked around the room to every single face.

 His eyes stopping at Alex’s longer then everyone else’s.

He closed his eyes, breathed in and spit out what he need to say.

“I’m Gay” 

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