The Emerald

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Chapter 1: The Emerald

Two Days after The Final Boss Battle with The Devil...

(Author's POV)

Somewhere Near Floral Fury..

It was an great sunny afternoon here in Inkwell Isle, It's been two days since our daring cup heroes defeated the devil.

Everything was back to normal at least for awhile, even there is an giant flower sleeping.

Here we see are our favorite red and blue teacups, Cuphead and Mugman, just taking an stroll after doing some of their duties at their home.

"Ah! What a day, right bro?" said Cuphead as he was carrying an bag filled with gifts.

"Yup! I can't believe it's been two days since we beat the devil! it feels like so much time has passed, right bro?" said Mugman as he skipped happily.

"Yeah..It sure has.." Cuphead said in an almost depressed tone, He really loved the fights even though he and his brother were really fighting their friends and neighbers.

And let me tell you this about Cuphead...

He'd REALLY love the battles, even he and his brother get shattered or cracked from getting shot at by enemies.

And no matter how many cracks and pieces he lost, he always never stop fighting.

Truth to be told, he's not an Pacifist, His Brother Mugman is but that doesn't matter.

But he just can't shake the feeling that something truly amazing and scary is about to happen but how and what?

"Uh..Cuphead? You alright?" a worried voice interups Cuphead's train of thought.

"Uh!? oh sorry Mugman.." said Cuphead.

"Hiya, Boys!!" a loud booming voice screamed across where they are standing at.

"AHHH!!!!"Cuphead and Mugman screamed while grabbing each other.

Then they realized, It was just their leafy, flowery and temptered friend, Cageny Carnation.

"Oh! Hi Cageny!" said Mugman with happiness in his voice.

"So, what are you two boys doing here?" asked Cagney.

"Oh, we're giving everyone of inkwell isle gifts as a way of our forgivness two days ago!" explained Mugman.

"We've already gave the others here gifts" said Cuphead.

"Oh! really, you're going to give me a gift also?" said Cagney.

"Of course, Cagney! we're friends, right!" said Mugman as he gave Cagney an bright orange and yellow gift box with a green bow.

"Of course Mugman! we are friends, after all, you and Cuphead here saved all our souls from the devil! also thank you for the gift"

"You're welcome!" yelled Mugman happily.

Cuphead, on the other hand, is distracted by something sparkly in the bushes and it seems like it's drawing him torwards it like he is in a trance.

"What is that?" he said to himself.

He then found himself walking towards the bush.

"Cuppy? Where are you going? Cuphead!" yelled Mugman as he tries to call back his brother but it was no use.

"What is your brother doing over there, Mugman??" said Cagney, getting a little weirded out.

Cuphead then look inside the bush and what he saw had actually made his doubts come true.

Inside the bush is a neon green crystal the size of Cuphead's hand glowing right in front of him in it's bright glory.

Never in his life had he never seen a crystal so bright, green and pretty before.

"Whoa.." whispered Cuphead in amazment.

Then suddenly, his eyes and colors change from red to green in a split second and disappeared.

"...What just happen!?" Said Cuphead to himself.

He grab it and ran to show it off to Mugman and Cagney in his own way.

"Hey Guys! look what i found!" exclaimed Cuphead.

"What is it, big bro?" Said Mugman.

They turned around and they saw a green hand-sized emerald in his hand.

"By golly, that's gotta be the biggest diamond ever, you are one lucky cup!" Exclaimed Cagney.

"Aw shucks, come on bro, let's bring it back! Elder Kettle would definitely love this crystal" said Cuphead.

As they head off, little did they know is that the emerald was not the only thing new.


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