a t t e n i o n a i r e

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duncan had continued to talk to gwen, making courtney feel inferior.

it was obvious she wasn't her normal astute self.

he tried to carry the conversation, but found himself lost in thought.

he walked into geography, waving at gwen and following courtney.

feeling so melancholy wasn't like him.

but today he just wasn't him in general.

he didn't get any reactions out of courtney.

childish, but it was important to him.

a speckle of attention could get the guy all riled up.

a indulgence of a second of attention would fill his mind, with the utmost of joy.

the sight of the fury in her normally foggy eyes, was a sweet delight, only filling his desire for her prime attention.

he sat next to her, watching her take notes.

the selfish intent that he had dug into, and wouldn't find himself getting out of soon.

he felt the loneliness in courtney's system.

a bit sadistic really, to enjoy the fact that he puts her through this much pain, emotionally.

his thoughts were scrambled.

any type of attention would be fine in his book.

whether it be her kicking him in his bananas or calling him a name,

or her surprisingly enjoying his presence.

his trance was quite impressive.

he stared at her, taking notes once again.

she took note, flipping to a new page and writing on it, so violently that it almost ripped the page.

she tore it out, scratching her nails on it, earning a eyebrow raise from duncan.

she passed it towards him, calmly flipping back to her notes.

duncan read the note.

it had a jagged drawing of an angry face on it.

he hid his sadistic smile.

it was often that the attention courtney gave him, whether it be rude or nice, whether it be a second or an hour, it would fill his desire for her more.

the bell rang, as soon as he found himself in a slew of thoughts while his trance on her note taking wasn't broken.

he looked up, following her like a lovesick puppy to a certain degree. she turned, noticing he was following her every pattern.

"ok. I know we're doing a project. BUT OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE!"

for once, the circumstances were in his favor.

"but, we need to be together till 3:30."

courtney felt herself recoil at his mocking statement.

she sucked her lips in, walking behind him.

it wouldn't be often that she felt as though she was a prisoner to her own mindset, but she felt as though the soulless persona she had put on,

it was quite tiring.

especially when she had to put up with duncan.

he on the other hand,

had been ecstatic about the project.

paired together. (a duncney fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now