pt | 04

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Yoongi and I entered the big house. Nervousness welcomed me. Yoongi forced me to wrap my hand around his arm. And with that, I held his arm tightly. He glanced at me with furrowed brows. He leaned closer to me that made me gasped. His face went near to my ears.

"Treasure the moment you're holding my biceps."

And with that, I pushed him and glared at him. He laughed at me reaction.

"You're not helping," I frowned.

"Aww, you're nervous? Don't worry, I'm here," he smiled.

I blinked at him and sighed. As if I had a choice.

"My son, I missed you," a voice of a woman was heard.

I glanced at where it came from and my nervousness just rose. A mid-aged woman was approaching us with a wide smile. Her eyes locked with mine. My shaking lips forced a smile at her and she did too.

"So, you're my daughter?" She asked, excitement in her voice.

"Mom, not yet," Yoongi scoffed.

"Don't interupt me, young man. Aww, you look so pretty tonight. How are you darling?" The woman approached me and hugged the shit out of me.

Bone breaking hug.

Can't breath

I glanced at Yoongi for help as his mother just hugged me more. I mouthed him 'help' but he just chuckled at me.

"Mom, she's crashing. She's too tiny for your hug," Yoongi said.

His mother let go of me and dragged me to who-knows-where.

Mrs. Min threw me on the couch as she sat beside me with a wide smile.

"You're so pretty, darling," she awed.

"Not as pretty as you, ma'am," I smiled.

Glad I didn't stuttered.

"Aww, don't call me ma'am. Call me mom," she said.

"Uhh, soon auntie. I'll call you soon," I smiled.

"Mrs. Min, dinner is ready," one of the maid said.

Mrs. Min nodded and again, dragged me to the dinning area.

She let me sat across her and Yoongi beside me. After a while, a very terrifying looking man came. His brows were aligned and a frown on his face. He sat at the center of the all the seats and gaze locked at my pathetic figure.

My whole body and soul shivered at his cold but fire burning gaze. My knees started to tremble and my whole body was shaking. Sweats started to form on my forehead and I gulped numerous times.

Yoongi and his mom noticed me as my breathing got heavier.

God! I never felt so nervous before not until a monster came that was ready to eat my whole figure. Who's ready to delete my existence

"Aish! Sungbok, you're scaring the girl," Mrs. Min said,  glaring at her husband.

"Huh? I didn't do anything," Mr. Min defended.

Yoongi fished a tisue and wiped the beads of sweats on my forehead. I even felt my cheeks burning.

"Dad, can you reshape your face? You're scaring everyone," Yoongi scoffed.

"I didn't do anything. I just stared at her," Mr. Min whined.

I let out a breathy giggle and tried to calm myself.

"I-I'm okay, Yoongi. N-no need to worry," I muttered.

"I'm not worried," Yoongi whispered.

I shot a glare at him and he chuckled.

"Well, you're Y/N, aren't you?" Mr. Min asked.

I nodded at him.

"I thought Yoongi had a bad taste, but nah-uh, you're pretty. Not like me before, just married into someone who forced me to," Mr. Min said.

"What? Did I force you? How dare you say that?" Mrs. Min pouted.

I just chuckled at them as Yoongi facepalmed.

The four of us digged in as they started a conversation with me. They were not as scary as I thought. They were fun to chat with. I thought I won't survive this night and just collapse because of nervousness.

"So, dear, where is your engagement ring?" Mrs. Min asked.

I showed her the ring on my finger and she gasped. She held my hand in front of her face and examined the ring. She let go of my hand and glared at Yoongi.

"You disappointed me, Yoongi. Where did you get that thing? It looks so cheap. Are you that tasteless?" Mrs. Min dramatically held her chest, "I thought you're my son."

"Mom, that thing costs million! I even ordered it from Paris," Yoongi defended.

"You should have asked me to buy a ring."

"Yeah, that type of ring that Y/N can wear on her head."

"A ring is different from a crown, child. Are you losing your mind?"

"I will definitely."

"You should have look for a nicer one."

"But that ring is one of the class that only a princess can wear."


"Hey, you cat and dog. Stop bickering," Mr. Min sighed.

"Auntie, it's okay. This ring is the best thing I have ever received. I love this because it's from Yoongi," I softly said.

Eww! Am I that gross?

"Aww, you're so precious, Y/N," she awed.

I smiled at her. The whole dinner went well after the mother-son arguement ended.

Mrs. and Mr. Min leaded us till outside. Mrs. Min hugged me and even kissed me on the forehead as goodbye.

"Take care, darling. Hope you can visit me here more often. I loved your company," she smiled.

"We also have work, mom," Yoongi snapped.

"I'm not talking to you, Min," she frowned and faced me again, "I'll see you again, right?"

"Of course, auntie."

We bidded goodbyes. Yoongi opened the passenger's door for me to enter and went to the driver's seat and drove off.

"I thought I'd be losing conciousness earlier. God, your dad's gaze was burning cold. It really scared the shit of me," I mumbled out.

"And I also thought you'd be taking a bath with your own sweats," he chuckled.

"God knows how scared I was. But his face was opposite from his attitude. Your mom is so sweet," I smiled.

"Tch! She's annoying. Always want everything to be perfect," he sighed, his gaze turned to me, "I think she likes you that easily."

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