pt | 22

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"Noona," Jisung called.

I groaned and covered my ears with pillows. I heard him sigh and his footsteps getting closer.

"You're gonna be late," he said while shaking me.

I groaned, "Get lost, Ji!"

"I'll carry a map with me," he mumbled.

I gritted my teeth and sat up. Jisung smiled at me and pulled me out my bed. I groaned and just let him drag me down the stairs.

"Ugh! I'll take a bath first. Why the rush, huh?"

He shrugged, "You should eat first. The food will get cold."

I stopped and arched my brows at him, "You cook?"

"Gosh, noona, I worked in a cafe," he rolled his eyes, "Anyway, you enter the kitchen first. I'll just get my phone in my room."

I huffed at him and nodded. I walked to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes and yawned as I stepped inside. I stretched my body and felt relaxed.

I snapped my eyes open as I heard someone chuckling. I covered my face as my sight locked at Yoongi's figure. I groaned and stomped my feet and marched out the kitchen.

"Han Jisung!"

Someone gripped my arm. I turned to Yoongi and pouted. I still looked like a zombie with my messy hair and awful face.

"Aish, why are you here?" I covered my face.

Yoongi chuckled and removed my hand from my face and lifted my chin up. He smiled down at me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Good morning, beauty," he uttered.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Morning."

He combed my hair with his fingers while staring at me lovingly. I smiled at him and shoved him to the side. I marched my way to the table and sat on the chair and started to eat. Yoongi scoffed at my action and sat across me.

I ate but he just stared at me. I glanced up at him and tilted my head.

"Eat," I ordered.

"I just ate," he answered.

I shrugged and continued eating. Jisung came to the dining and placed a kiss on my head.

What a sweet

"I'll go to school now, noona. Can't miss a class. Bye, hyung. Take care of her," Jisung said and walked out.

"Bye, lil bro. Take care," I yelled.

I heard a honk of a car and it's roar fading away.

I prepared for work and hopped in Yoongi's car. We made our way to the building. We hopped out as we arrived.

Yoongi placed a kiss on my forehead, wishing me a good day and went to his office. I smiled at his action and made my way to my table.

As I sat down, Hyensa gave me a playful wiggle of her brow.

"He's sweet. Can't wait to have a boyfriend like him," she squealed.

"Look for a man, already," I said.

She sighed dreamily, "I'm still waiting for Mr. Jung to notice me."

I shook my head at her and started my work.


Yoongi called me to his office. I opened the door and he was on his seat, his elbows rested on the table with his fingers intertwined together.

"What you want, Mr. Min?"

He gestured me to sit across his table and I did. He leaned on his seat, eyes locked on my lips. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.

"What do you really want? I have work to do, you know?"

He shushed me and I shut up. He stared at me for minutes and I got bored roaming my eyes around his office. I gasped as I saw our picture in huge frame, hanging on the wall. He turned his head to where I was looking and smiled.

"We look perfect together, right?" He asked.

"I couldn't agree more," I answered.

Our eyes locked with each other again. He stood up and rested his palms on the table for support and leaned towards me. I gasped as our faces only inches away. He cupped my cheeks and rested my forehead with him. I felt home.

"You're gorgeous. I still can't believe you're already mine," he mumbled and closed the space with a kiss.

I smiled and kissed him back. The kiss was gentle and soft with a hint of innocence.

The door slammed open and we immediatelt parted from each other. We were so shock. We turned to the door and a figure of a woman captured our eyes. Blonde hair, fuming eyes glaring at us with her fist balled.

"What do you mean about this, Yoongi?!"

Yoongi smirked and held my hand. He raised it up and made me turn from the table and to his side. He gripped my waist and pulled me closer, cupped my cheeks and pressed our lips. I gasped at his action. I placed my palms on his chest, ready to push him but before I can, he already pulled away and faced Sonyoung. I blinked my eyes few times and stared at Yoongi.

"Hope that explains everything, Sonyoung. Get out of my sight. I'm still mad at you," Yoongi said.

"YOU WILL REGRET THIS, YOONGI! You will regret hurting me! You'll regret everything!" Sonyoung exclaimed and turned her fuming gaze at me, "You'll regret this, bitch!"

She slammed the door shut after that. I sighed and pushed Yoongi lightly.

"I felt like a bitchy secretary who just caught by her boss's wife doing miracle with him," I sighed.

Yoongi chuckled. He sat back on his seat.

"Let's go somewhere."

I raised my brow at him, "And where?"

He just smiled sweetly.

I hate that I love his smile

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