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[Play Hold On by Chord Overstreet]

I was outside the room where the nurses brought Yoongi after we arrived at the hospital. Namjoon and Jisung who came with me let me sat on a bench.

I felt numb from all the cryings. It was like my tear glands were connected to the sea. Jisung hugged me but I didn't responded. I felt nothing but the pain in my heart.

Why? Why did it happened? I thought the event earlier was the greatest day of my life. The event kept playing in my head the way he played the piano. The way he sang for me. The way he smiled. The way his ever-gorgeous eyes stared at me lovingly. The way he told me how he felt for me. How he kneeled in front of me and asked me to marry him. It was still clear. It was playing in my head with all the details.

I hadn't even got the chance to say 'Yes'. I hadn't even hugged him and thanked him for everything. Hadn't responded his 'I love yous'.

Why would anyone crash someone else's life? To end someone's plan just like that?

He was shot on his chestㅡ in font of me. In front of me.

Someone dried my tears. I looked up and saw Mrs. Min, with tears in her eyes and forced a small smile.

"Hey, darling, don't cry. He's just behind that room. He's strong. He can fight it. Just have faith," she whispered.

I nodded and wiped my tears away. Jisung was not there anymore. Mrs. Min sat beside me, holding my hand.

After few hours, the door opened. I immediately stood up and ran to the doctor.

"How is he?" I asked instantly.

"The patient is stable now. The bullet is now out of his body. Let's have him some rest. You can visit him tomorrow," the Doctor said.

I sighed in relief and smiled, "Thank you."

He smiled and left.

I sighed again and smiled. I approached Mrs. Min. She was asleep. I sat beside her again and tapped her hand.

My gesture made her slowly woke up. She blinked few times and stretched.

"Yoongi is fine now. We can visit him tomorrow, Auntie," I said softly.

She blinked and sighed in relief. She hugged me and smiled.

"You need to have some proper rest too, auntie. I will stay here," I said.

She hesitated to leave me but I assured her. She suggested me to go home first but I refused. I want to be here with Yoongi. I won't leave him.

Hyensa called, worrying about my situation. I assured him I was okay. She didn't believed me so she decided to come here in the hospital. Jisung came and gave me clothes so that I could change because I was still in my white dress thst was full of blood stains.

I changed. After some few minutes, Hyensa arrived, worried.

"Y/N! Oh God! Are you okay?" She asked.

I just gave her a small smile and nodded.

"What exactly happened?"

I told her everything that happened. All the details. Yoongi's surprise proposal that ended very terrible.

"Gosh! Who shot him?"

I stared at nowhere and sighed, "I don't know. If I knew who the bastard is, I swear I will kill them."


Yoongi's friend, family and some businessmen came to visit him. He was still unconcious with lot of wires pressed on his body.

When the visitors left, I was the only one left in the room. I sat on a chair next to his bed. I held his hand, fighting the urge to cry again. He really hated it when I cry.

I stared at his unconcious figure and his very admiring face.

"Be strong, love. I hadn't said 'yes' yet. You have to propose again if you wake up," I smiled and caressed his cheeks, "Don't give up. I'm still here. You won't leave me. You shouldn't."

I sighed and laid my head on the bed, "I love you, Yoongi. I love you."

"I still need you. I still want you. Please comeback as soon as possible. You don't want me to wait, right? You said you will always do everything not to let your Queen wait. Just rest some more and stay strong for me, for your family."


It has been weeks since the incident. Yoongi was still unconcious and I never left his side. I want him to see me first when he woke up.

Jisung, Hyensa and Yoongi's parents were worried about me but kept on telling them I was okay. They always forced me to have some rest but I don't want to be away from Yoongi. It was like if I leave him, I will lost him.

I got the news that it was Sonyoung who shot Yoongi. She surrendered and was in jail for days. But then her behavior was not right so she was brought to a Mental Institution. They found out that she has a mental disorder.

This day, I was here in Yoongi's room. Talking to him about those memories we shared. I called Jisung to get some stuffs for Yoongi like clothes and sheets. I also needed some clothes. But Jisung was busy with his examination so I didn't bothered him. I also didn't bothered Mrs. Min but she visited the hospital.

"Auntie, I'll just grab some stuffs for Yoongi. I will also get some clothes."

"Okay, just take care. I'll watch Yoongi," she said.

I bid her goodbye and left. I went to Yoongi's house first. He gave me a key so I can freely visit him in his home.

As I entered, I bit my lip, remembering those times I was there, bickering with him and complaining about everything. I smiled as I remembered those times I chased him for stealing my food.

I shook my head and headed to Yoongi's room. I let out a bag and put the things I needed when my phone rung.

It was Mrs. Min. I picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello, auntie?"

"Y/N, come here in the hospital as soon as possible."

She was crying.

When the call ended, I immediately left the house and rushed to the hospital.

Outside Yoongi's room was his family and friends. Mrs. Min was already crying. I ran towards themㅡ confused.

As Mrs. Min saw me, she hugged me and cried. I didn't responded as my eyes were glued to the glass window inside Yoongi's room.

There he was, shaking uncontrollable. When he stopped from shaking, a loud 'tit' sound echoed my ears. The doctors panicked and tried to revive him but then they stopped.

The doctor shook his head and glanced at his watch. Then the words left his mouth was with curse that made my whole world fell and tore into pieces...

"Min Yoongi. Time of death, 12:27."


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