pt | 06

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I sighed heavily as I knocked the very big door of Min's house. The door opened, revealing one of the maids. She let me in and called for Mrs. Min. I sat on the couch, nervously.

"Y/N, darling! How are you?"

I stood up straight and faced the owner of the voice. I gave Mrs. Min a smile.

"I'm fine, auntie. How about you?"

She hugged me and let me sat beside her.

"I'm bored. Staying in this house is really head aching. Staring at Sungbok's face didn't help," she pouted.

I laughed at what she said.

"And now, I'm here. Let's make your boredom disappear," I actively said.

"That's why I like you. What will we do?"

I wiggled my brows at her with a smile painted on my face.


"Y/N, this tastes so good. How did you do that?"

I smiled at her, "Maybe it's in my genes. Do you like it though?"

"This is the best," she exclaimed.

Mrs. Min and I spent our time cooking dishes and baking cupcakes and cookies. I enjoyed being with her. She was so talkative and I'm happy that she liked my company. Because me to myself, I felt I'm boring to be with.

We ate the dishes we made. Talked about stuffs. I loved listening to her stories, mostly, their love story with Mr. Min. I had fun listening to her story about Yoongi's embarrassing moments. I bet if only Yoongi heard his mother, he would definitely whine.

After the hours of talking, I found myself in their garden, Mrs. Min beside me. The cool air brushed my hair.

"You know, Y/N? I'm so tired living in here. Yoongi is busy because of his own business. Sungbok is always on his office. I want to work to distract myself from missing them, missing my family, but he won't let me. He just want me to stay here in the house, doing nothing. But thank you. Thank you so much for accompanying me. My loneliness faded slightly."

I glanced up at her with a smile on my face, "Don't thank me, auntie. I'm the one who's thankful here. Because of you, I felt like I have a mother. I really want a love from a mother. And thank you for the time that I felt like I have one."

She held me close to her, "Anytime for you dear. If you want someone, I'm always right here. Just don't be shy to approach me. And please, visit me more often, I want and I love your company."

I nodded.

"And please, Y/N, love Yoongi with all your heart. Even if he's stubborn and annoying, please, be patient. I want him to be happy. And I want you to be with him."

I bit my lip. I can't promise that thing because first of all, I was just forced with this situation. But Mrs. Min is so kind.

"I will, auntie," I forced a fake smile.

She hugged me, "Thank you."

We talked about stuffs. And you know what else? She already planned the wedding! THE WEDDING!

All the stuffs to be needed was ready. And I mean, ALL!


I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My mind couldn't stop from thinking.

What if Mrs. Min found out that I'm not really Yoongi's fiance? What will be her reaction? What if she'll hate me? She's too kind for this bullshit.

And what the fuck? My unexpected wedding is near. Like WTFShit!!! I'M NOT READY!

A knock from the door made me back to the reality. I sat up and the door opened, revealing Yoongi.

"Dinner's ready," he softly said.

"Oooh, it's the first time I heard you telling me to eat."

"Just get up and we'll eat," he rolled his eyes and closed the door.

I giggled at his reaction. He's too sensitive.

I made my way downstairs and to the dinning. I sat across Yoongi and the food on the table made me drool. I immediately digged in and ate.

"You will choke if you eat like that, you know?" He judgementally said.

"I don't think I care," I mumbled, stuffing food inside my mouth.

We ate in silence after that. His judgemental look still painted on his face.

I frowned and pointed a fork at him, "You'll stop that look or you'll stop."

He stood up and went somewhere. I furrowed my brows at his fading figure. He came back with a mirror and placed it in front of my face.

"See what you look like?"

My eyes widen as blood rushed through my cheeks.

There was a lot of stains of food all over my face. I quickly hid my red face from him as he laughed.

He placed the mirror to the side and leaned closer to me. He pulled my hands down that was covering my red face. He chuckled as he wiped my face with the tissue he got. I just stared at him in shock.

And that's when I had the time to fully examine his features.

Cat like eyes, cute botton nose, bangs that was covering his forehead, pinkish and soft lips, rosy cheeks.

I'm insane.

I was so drowned with my thoughts that I didn't noticed that he was staring back at me.

The sound of his soft chuckle dragged me back to reality. I blinked few times as our faces were still inches away. He pinched my nose and got back to his seat. I blinked numerous times and furrowed.

"You know what tomato looks like? It's same with your face," he chuckled.

"I-uh... tsk, whatever."

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