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2 years later...

Each one of the girls have their own jobs now, living their lives and as for the Park Family, still the same. Everyone still keeps an open eye for Mr Minatozaki, his crew or Sana because knowing him, he wouldn't just attack immediately so they decided to wait and prepare.

Tzuyu and Momo works at a pet store, Dahyun and Mina works at a cafe, Chaeyoung with the Park Family and Nayeon working at a convenient store(somewhere further from the city).

The girls and the Park Family are determined to find Sana and change everything but for Nayeon, she feels like giving up. The reason why she chose to work a store further away is because she wants to get away from it all. She doesn't want to see all those memories at those locations. It hurts her. She knows its stupid to feel the way she feels but she can't take it anymore.

"what if Sana doesn't come back.. what if someone dies?" those questions that Nayeon asks herself.

Nayeon's shift was over but she didn't have anywhere to go so she just stayed with her colleague, IU.

"hey, everything okay?" IU asked as she rubbed Nayeon's back.

"yeah- no. Is it okay if I stay here? I don't have anywhere to go"

"of course, you can. Why would I object to that?" IU laughed as Nayeon took a seat outside

IU soon later passed her some food, "I know you haven't eaten your dinner, yet"

"what do you mean?"

IU sighed, "yah! Don't be a pabo and eat. I saw that you've been skipping meals lately. Don't do that! Okay?"

Nayeon weakly smiled and nodded.

"I'm watching you" IU said before going back to work. Normally, night shifts doesn't really have a lot of people so it was kind of peaceful.

Nayeon didn't feel like eating but IU was watching her. Nayeon chuckled and ate the noodle that IU had made for her. IU didn't allow Nayeon to drink beer so she just got her a bottle of water.

Nayeon told her that she's fine but IU said, "don't use that on me. it's my choice if I want to be worried or not for you. So shut up and eat your food"

IU is 2 years older than Nayeon which makes her an unnie. Everytime she sees IU, she sees y/n. IU and y/n are similar but not completely the same.

Nayeon looked up to the sky, closed her eyes and just breathed as she thought to herself, "I miss you, unnie. You're watching over me, right? IU unnie is just like you. Did you brought her to me? I hope you're doing well up there, unnie. No more suffering. I hope you're happy up there. I love you, unnie" Nayeon smiled.

She opens up her eyes to find a twinkling ✨star✨. She smiled even brighter.

"I'm guessing something good appeared?" IU said as she gave Nayeon a tissue.

"what's this for?"

IU smiled and helped wipe off the tears off Nayeon's face.

"oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even realised I cried. I was just happy"

"I can tell. You were smiling so brightly. Do you mind telling me?" IU said as she sat beside Nayeon.

Nayeon looked back up to the sky, "I guess i managed to talk to a certain someone"

IU doesn't know about Nayeon's sister, no one knows except Jennie so she was confused.

"and how did they conversation went?"

"unnie, you know. You really remind me of someone I really admire and appreciate"

"aww thank you"

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