For the best

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Concept: You and Damon Salvatore despise each other... or do you ?

You barged into the Salvatore boarding house, not even bothering with knocking or ringing the door bell. You knew the Salvatore brothers well and you were in no mood for manners at the moment. You were on a mission.

You slammed the door shut behind you before you made your way to where you knew Damon would be. Sure enough there he stood in the massive living room, drink in hand. He didn’t seem surprised to see you.

“Damon Salvatore” you practically growled out as you glared at him.

“Y/N” Damon greeted after he took a sip of his bourbon. “Ever heard of knocking?”

“Cut the crap, Damon” you told him and crossed your arms over your chest. “What is your problem?”

“Problem?” He asked curiously. “I wasn’t aware I had a problem.”

“Oh, you have plenty of problems, but right now I’m talking about the obvious problem you have with me. Why do you hate me so much?”

Damon let out a small snort before he took another sip from his drink and rolled his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I don’t feel anything for you. Let alone hate.”

“You obviously hold some kind of discontent towards me” you spat out. “I don’t even know what the hell I did to you, but it seems like you make it some sort of mission to mess with me.”

“And please do tell just what I’ve done to mess with you” he spoke as he walked over to the couch and sat down.

You moved from your spot to stand in front of him. You somehow felt a bit more superior since you were looking down on him and he was looking up at you with those mesmerizing eyes of his that seemed to captivate you every time you looked into them. Luckily, Damon couldn’t use those eyes to compel you to do his bidding since you were on vervain, but they still had some way of compelling you in other ways. It was no secret Damon was a good looking guy. Hell, he was the hottest guy you ever laid your eyes on. You had a crush on him once upon a time even.

Maybe you still crushed on him, but nobody had to know that.

“Well, Damon, I was just at the Mystic Grill waiting on my date, who didn’t show up.”

“And how is that my problem exactly?”

“I’m glad you asked” you told him and crossed your arms again as you stared at him hard. “Matt told me he saw you talking with Sam and he also just so happened to hear you compelling him to leave me alone.”

“Donovan” Damon mumbled with a scowl and eye roll before he finished off his drink. “I think I’m going to need more bourbon for this.” He stood from the couch and walked over to fix him another drink.

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself then?” You asked as you watched him fix a drink. “Do you dislike me that much, Damon? This is a new low even for you.”

“What makes you think I dislike you, Y/N?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you pull crap like that on me, you look at me like my mere presence offends you, you’re always sarcastic to me-“

“I’m sarcastic with everyone, sweetheart. Don’t flatter yourself"

“Stop calling me that!” You yelled at him and he pulled a face. “And don’t do that eye thing!”

“What eye thing?"

“That eye thing you do” you told him. It was hard to explain it and you secretly loved it, but you were supposed to be mad at the moment. “Now tell me what the deal is with you.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything.”

You groaned out loudly and threw your hands up in the air in frustration. “You know what? Forget it! I should’ve known better than to come here and try to figure out what your deal is. I’m sorry if my happiness offends you. Just leave me alone and stop messing with me.”

You turned away from him and was heading for the door, but suddenly Damon was stood in front of you, preventing you from going anywhere. Vampires and their freaking super speed.

“Where are you going?” He asked you.

“I’m leaving” you told him simply. “There’s no point in sticking around here.”

“Actually there is.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes” he simply replied.

“And what would that be?” You asked him.

Damon didn’t say a thing. He just stared at you for a few long moments before his lips crashed upon yours suddenly. Your eyes widened in shock, not expecting this turn of events. It took you a couple of seconds to react, but finally you started kissing him back. You stood on the tip of your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck as his own wrapped around your waist. The kiss wasn’t like any other you’d ever experienced. It was so…passionate. So intense. You finally pulled apart after a while and you took a deep breath.

“What the hell was that?” You asked as you finally opened your eyes and found him staring back at you.

“That was something I should’ve done a long time ago” he answered you. “I don’t dislike you, Y/N. Quite the opposite actually. I shouldn’t like you, but I do.”

You looked at him in confusion and he sighed. “I’m dangerous. I shouldn’t have to tell you that because you already know. I’ve been acting the way I have to try to keep you away, but I can’t stand seeing you with any other guys. I’m selfish.”

“What’s new?” You asked, laughing lightly and he did the same.

“Anyways, I’m sorry for my behavior, but I thought it was for the best. I really like you…a lot actually.”

Your eyes widened and your breath hitched at his confession. You smiled softly and let out a sigh as you rested your forehead on his chest. “I like you too, Damon. Even if you are a douche bag.”

You felt Damon’s chest rumble with a chuckle, which had you grinning. You looked back up at him and he leaned down to peck your forehead as he tightened his arms around you.

“I will make up for that” he told you with a smirk. “I promise…starting now.”

You squealed when Damon lifted you up in his arms and used his vampire speed to take you both to his bedroom. You were thrown on his bed in mere seconds with him on top of you in no time. You giggled up at him as he used his signature smirk on you.

Word count: 1128

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